The best and most beautiful plants to care for in February: advice from expert nurserymen

Also in February, many flowering plants are in full bloom, but it is important to follow specific instructions for the care of each plant, in order to ensure its health and beauty over time.

Plants to care for in February

Among indoor plants, some of the most beautiful and easy to care for are Anthurium, Phalaenopsis Orchid, Saintpaulia (African Violet), Begonia, Kalanchoe and Cyclamen.

Plants, the most beautiful to care for in February

As the days lengthen, the quiet winter morning is interrupted by the chirping of birds, a sign that it is time to  pick up the gardening tools again.

Some outdoor plants that can bloom in February include Cyclamen persicum, Narcissus and Primrose. However  , the choice of plants also depends on the environmental conditions  in which they will be grown, so it is important to take into account the light, humidity and temperature available for their care.

Viola, February plant

As spring approaches,  nature comes to life with leaves and flowers in bloom. Here are some tips for selecting houseplants that can brighten your home environment and for choosing suitable garden plants to grow in February.

After the coldest days of winter, the garden comes alive with more and more flowers. Among the varieties that can be admired are hellebores:  Helleborus niger,    which already blooms during the Christmas holidays, and Helleborus orientalis, which blooms later.

Currently it is possible to buy hellebore seedlings  already mature and ready to bloom in specialized centers.

To enjoy their flowering up close, hellebore plants can be kept indoors, but once flowering is finished it is advisable to take them outside in the shade, where they can multiply.

Kindergarten Tips

It is important  to carefully choose the position in which to place them and, once positioned, avoid moving them. In fact, year after year, the plants will bloom again,  as long as they are protected from the summer heat.

During the winter we are accompanied by plants such as violets that, if carefully cared for,  will continue to produce flowers until the end of spring.

To keep plants healthy, it is important to keep the soil constantly moist, regularly giving specific liquid fertilizer for flowering plants.

Regular removal of wilted flowers  helps prolong the flowering of plants. In this way the plant’s energy is not consumed for the production of seeds.

After the first sunny days it is possible to admire the mottled appearance of violet, yellow or white colors.

hyacinth bulb

The bulbs  that give life to these flowers  should ideally be buried in autumn,  but if this operation has not been carried out, the bulbs can be obtained in specialized stores and buried, taking care to fertilize them at the end of flowering so that they  recover their energy lost during the forced

Planting for fruit trees

The leaves will disappear during the summer, but the area where you are located may be covered with dead leaves in the fall, and the leaves will appear again in the spring. February  is also the ideal time to plan the  planting of fruit trees.

The frosts gradually cease and  the soil becomes workable again,    before the vegetative awakening. Plants should be planted in a  spacious hole enriched with compost.

cherry blossom branches

It is advisable to ask nurserymen for help to choose the varieties of plants most suitable for the  climatic conditions in your area,  those of the area in which we live.

All plants whose flowers bloom before the leaves appear can be brought indoors. Among these, there are  branches of cherry, apple, pear, prunus,  ranging from white to bright pink.