Every home is currently suffering from rising energy prices . To better manage this increase in costs, all possible solutions should be adopted. Among them, here is a technique that has never been revealed but that you definitely need to know. It reduces consumption when using the washing machine.
The bill amount will never go up again: here is the secret technique you can use on the washing machine
The washing machine is one of the indispensable devices in everyday life . But it also completes the list of the most power-hungry devices . To reconcile the use of the washing machine and energy saving, there is a solution on the market: it is about using the washing machine equipped with the best energy class .
However, not everyone can afford this type of washing machine. For this reason it is necessary to follow these few inexpensive guides that allow to reduce the energy consumption of the washing machine. Here are some simple rules to keep in mind:
- Never start the washing machine cycle before the basket is fully loaded. In fact, not producing a full charge promotes wasted energy and loss of money. Thanks to this gesture you can save up to 2 euros per month.
- Good application practices also include choosing the temperature well. When washing dirty clothes, choose a lower temperature , between 30 and 40°C . Please note that cleaning agents can also develop their cleaning power at low temperatures. The Eco or Ambiente programs are very easy to use.
A brief overview of energy efficient practices when using the dishwasher
Just like with the washing machine, it is strongly advised not to start a wash cycle without filling the basket. You can also save a few euros by using revolutionary devices that integrate certain economic functions.