The florist’s ingenious tip to make orchids last

Among the wide range of indoor flowering plants, the orchid undoubtedly remains the most popular. And this is not surprising, since this tropical plant is not only aromatic, but also stands out for its profusion of colors. Its exotic beauty is enough to attract all lovers of lush greenery. As a bonus, this ornamental plant is easy to care for. But to enhance its flowering it is always useful to favor certain natural methods. Even if they are out of the ordinary, they are nonetheless very effective, ecological and super economical!

To preserve your orchids, the main thing is to provide them with the right environment: good light, a little humidity and a shock fertilizer so that they do not wither and encourage abundant flowering. Precisely, you should not go too far or consider breaking the bank to pamper them. The solution is simply in your kitchen! It’s hard to believe, but more often than not, the best remedies are those that are close at hand. We will surprise you even more, since your food waste also makes a difference. Kill two birds with one stone: preserve the environment and beautify your orchids thanks to recycling. Today we are going to highlight the wonderful properties of potato peelings.

Don’t throw away these barks: you will need them to fertilize your houseplants. Discover this natural remedy now!

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Potato peel fertilizer for orchids
potted orchid

There are several reasons why you should use potato peeling fertilizer. First of all, it’s the easiest and cheapest way to feed your plants. Second, the bark is able to kill harmful bacteria in the soil, while retaining any nutrients that can then be absorbed by the roots.

Additionally, potato fertilizer can be prepared in several ways. You can easily choose the option that suits you best. By the way, this treatment concerns not only houseplants, but also vegetables.

How to use potato peelings on your orchids? Here is the quick and easy method.

Soak the potato peelings in plenty of boiling water for at least 4 hours. Then filter the liquid. Once completely cooled, use it to water the soil. If you want, you can also use this water by spraying it directly into the pot.

The benefits of potato peeling fertilizer?
potato peelings

Potato peels are rich in nutrients: glucose, ascorbic acid, organic acids and starch. It is also an important source of trace elements such as phosphorus, fluorine, potassium and magnesium.

So, what are the benefits of such a natural diet for your plants?

First, this homemade fertilizer naturally fills your plants with nutrients and minerals. Everything they need to develop peacefully and prosper. So, thanks to fertilization with these hulls, indoor flowers will grow faster, which will help to significantly improve the flowering of your orchids.

By the way, the decoction of potato peels is suitable not only for orchids. You can also fertilize other species like violets, cacti, ficus and other indoor flowers.

How to make fertilizer from potato peelings?
cut the potatoes

To prepare this fertilizer, peel 3 to 6 potatoes (the ones you will use to make chips for example!). Then, once peeled, finely chop the peels. Boil them in a saucepan filled with a liter of water for 15 minutes.

Then cool the broth and filter it through a sieve. Water your orchids with this liquid every 15 days. We recommend adding small amounts of fertilizer, as you can only store them in the refrigerator for 2 weeks.