The recipe for old-fashioned flan, without sugar, without milk and very delicious

The recipe for old-fashioned flan, without sugar, without milk and very delicious

Homemade almond milk is a good alternative to animal milk. It is a source of vitamins, proteins and calcium that you can consume every day to benefit from it. Unlike cow’s milk, it does not contain lactose and is very low in calories. It is therefore ideal for all types of diets, including those wishing to lose weight. Discover this succulent recipe for old-fashioned vegetable milk flan.

What are the benefits of plant-based milk?

If you are lactose intolerant, vegan or simply prefer not to consume dairy products, plant-based milks are the right option for you. They contain a high concentration of minerals, vitamins, calcium and essential fatty acids. However, plant milks, 100% natural products without preservatives, have a limited shelf life. They should therefore be consumed quickly, well covered and stored in a glass bottle in the refrigerator.

How to prepare almond milk at home?


  • 1 cup almonds  (   155 g)
  • 3 cups of water (750 ml)
  • 1 cinnamon stick (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla essence (optional) (5 g)


  • Place the almonds in a deep bowl and cover them with plenty of water. You need to make sure there is enough water, as the almonds will swell.
  • Leave them to soak overnight.
  • The next day, rinse the almonds well and put them in the blender.
  • Add the three glasses of water and mix everything until the almonds are reduced to powder.
  • Filter the liquid to separate the milk from the remaining almonds and store it in a glass jar.
  • If you wish, you can add a cinnamon stick or a little vanilla to flavor this latte.

After a few minutes, it is normal to notice the separation of the almond and the water. You will just have to shake it before consuming it. You can consume it on its own, but you can also use it to make recipes like smoothies and juices, soups, or desserts like this old-fashioned flan.

The old-fashioned flan recipe, without sugar and without milk


  • 50 cl of   almond  milk
  • 3 eggs
  • 5 teaspoons of agave syrup or 3 teaspoons of stevia
  • 1 Madagascar vanilla pod


  • Let’s start by preheating the oven to 180 degrees.
  • Place the almond milk in a saucepan and let it boil.
  • In a bowl, gently mix the vanilla sugar, eggs and stevia.
  • Add this mixture to the hot almond milk and mix well.
  • Pour the mixture into the molds and tap on the counter to eliminate bubbles.
  • Cook them in a bain-marie by placing the cups in a mold full of water for 30 minutes. The blanks should have a golden color
  • Leave to cool before placing them in the fridge.
  • To serve, run a sharp knife around the edges of the molds. Carefully invert the flans onto serving plates.

Attention :

People suffering from kidney stones should not consume almond milk in excessive quantities, given its richness in calcium oxalate.