Tips to follow to have towels as soft as if they were used for the first time. It’s simple, economical and also ecological.
Towels, how to make them soft again? Even when they are old. Because it is well known that when you have a towel or bathrobe at home for a long time, their quality tends to diminish when touched. To be able to make our towels pleasant to pass on us again, we can implement a few small but clever measures.
Many ingredients can be useful to us in this sense. Washing towels with one or more of the components we will list below will give us something improved, stain-free and disinfected.
What do we need to have softer, more fragrant and cleaner towels? We will have to use:
- bicarbonate de sodium;
- White vinegar;
- citric acid;
- Marseille’s soap ;
- citron;
- chamomile;
Towels, what can we use to make them soft again
In what quantities? As for the baking soda, we will need three tablespoons, to pour directly into the drum of the washing machine or into the detergent drawer before starting a wash.
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With white vinegar, you will need three or four tablespoons. It will be excellent for restoring elasticity to the fibers of our laundry, not just towels. To reduce its intense smell, we can also add four or five drops of lemon essence to the washing machine.
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The same amount applies to citric acid, which acts as an excellent softener. In terms of weight, the ideal measure of citric acid to pour into the washing machine is 150 grams mixed with a liter of water in which to dissolve it. Or you can still use a few spoons of liquid Marseille soap.