The trick to machine washing black clothes and preventing them from fading

The trick to machine washing black clothes and preventing them from fading

Washing black clothes in the machine  is not an easy task! After a few washes, this timeless and elegant color tends to lose its shine. However, there are proven methods to keep your black clothes as vibrant as day one. Follow these simple but effective tips.

  1. Using tea to restore color

If your black clothes seem faded, tea can be an effective solution to regain their intensity.

How to proceed ?

  1. Prepare 2 cups of strong black tea.
  2. Run a normal wash cycle and pour the tea into the washing machine drum.
  3. Wash your clothes as usual.
  4. White vinegar when rinsing

White vinegar is a great way to set color and remove laundry detergent residue.

How to proceed ?

  1. Fill a basin with water.
  2. Place your black clothes there.
  3. Pour over 2 cups of white vinegar.
  4. Leave to soak for 20 minutes.
  5. Rinse thoroughly with clean water.
  6. Pretreatment with salt water

A salt water bath can help set the color before washing.

How to proceed ?

  1. Fill a basin with 2 liters of water.
  2. Add ½ cup of salt.
  3. Dip your black clothes in the solution.
  4. Leave to soak for 30 minutes.
  5. Wash clothes as you normally do.
  6. Turn clothes inside out

This simple trick helps preserve color during washing.

How to proceed ?

  1. Turn your black clothes inside out.
  2. Use a soap or detergent suitable for black clothing.
  3. Wash them in the washing machine as usual.
  4. Use the right detergent

When washing your black and dark clothes in the machine, the choice of detergent can make all the difference.

How to proceed ?

  1. Choose a special detergent for black clothes.
  2. Follow the recommended washing instructions on the product packaging.
  3. Avoid drying in the sun

The sun can fade your black clothes . Here’s what you need to do:

How to proceed ?

  1. Avoid drying your black clothes in direct sunlight.
  2. Opt for drying in the shade or indoors.

By following these simple steps, you can extend the life and color intensity of  your black clothing . Taking care of your black clothes isn’t complicated and can make a big difference in their appearance in the long run!