Thermogenic cabbage soup that loses 5 kilos a week

The   cabbage soup diet   is a low-calorie diet that lasts 7 days. The diet involves the consumption of large quantities of cabbage soup, combined with a series of pre-established foods.

Cabbage has properties that help burn calories. This 7-day diet is one of the so-called “flash” diets, and we suggest that you consult with your doctor before adopting it.

Cabbage Soup Ingredients   : 1 large cabbage, 3 ripe tomatoes, 3 onions, 4 celery stalks, 1 pepper. If possible, choose organic ingredients.

Cut all the ingredients into pieces or slices and boil them for a few minutes, until they are tender. Season only with salt, pepper and lemon.

Cabbage Soup Diet Weekly Menu

Monday   : Cabbage soup (breakfast, lunch and dinner), any fruit you want except banana. Drink unsweetened water, coffee, or tea.

Tuesday   : Cabbage soup (breakfast, lunch and dinner), as many fruits and vegetables as you want, except bananas, peas and corn. Add a baked potato to dinner. Drink unsweetened water, coffee, or tea.

Wednesday   : Cabbage soup (breakfast, lunch and dinner), as many fruits and vegetables as you want. Drink unsweetened water, coffee, or tea.

Thursday   : cabbage soup (breakfast, lunch and dinner), 1 glass of milk for breakfast, 4 bananas throughout the day. Drink unsweetened water, coffee, or tea.

Friday   : cabbage soup (breakfast, lunch and dinner), 500 grams of beef, boiled fish for dinner with 3 fresh tomatoes. Drink unsweetened water, coffee, or tea.

Saturday   : Cabbage soup (breakfast, lunch and dinner), 2 chicken breasts for lunch and dinner, vegetables of your choice. Drink unsweetened water, coffee, or tea.

Sunday   : cabbage soup (breakfast, lunch and dinner), 250 grams of brown rice, vegetables and fruits to taste. Drink unsweetened water, coffee, or tea.

We remind you that this is a flash diet, which involves a drastic fat loss and does not provide enough minerals and nutrients. Consult your doctor before adopting it.