At a time when the economic crisis hits hard, it is important to find ways to save money. Certain objects that you don’t need can be recycled to give life to something decorative or essential at home.
Thanks to this trick, you will save a huge amount of money.
Learn how to make a cheap and indispensable homemade fan in these summer days. These are the steps to follow:
Take a plastic container and stick black tape on top;
Use a jigsaw to cut along the tape;
Remove the tape and prepare the power supply part of the fan. You should be able to find them at a good price in specialty stores;
Place it and make a circle following the shape of the power supply;
Drill 4 holes in the 4 corners of the circle to stabilize it;
Cut the circle and assemble the mechanism, adding a thread at the top and inside the tank;
Secure everything with 4 screws;
Prepare 2 additional nets and coconut fibers;
Place them between the 2 networks and close them with zip ties;
Drill another circular hole just in front of the vent mechanism;
Install the mesh you just made and fix it with screws;
Place a tube along the edge of the mesh;
Place one of the 2 parts of the tube on the motor;
Make the electrical connections by preparing an ignition system and a plug to connect to the power. Don’t hesitate to call a competent person if you are unable to do so;
Attach the cut-out top to close your DIY fan;
Plug it in and try it.