Throwing toilet paper soaked in vinegar into the toilet will solve this problem permanently

Through use and despite regular care, our bathrooms become dirty too quickly! Limescale and other minerals in the water put a strain on the bowl. What is more unpleasant than watching these yellowish or brownish stains form on ceramics? Sometimes certain tartar “crusts” even form in certain areas. Which largely attracts germs and bacteria. Don’t panic, we have the solution to this problem. These tips make the difference!

How do you get rid of yellow stains in the toilet?

When it comes to cleanliness,  the bathroom is certainly the most sensitive room in the house, as the toilet is a very fertile breeding ground for germs and bacteria. I believe there is a serious lack of hygiene in this area! Still, don’t shy away from the task of making it shine. You regularly find it difficult to keep it clean and shiny. But just to say, your bathrooms are thankless because they get dirty in no time. A real vicious circle! In addition to the fact that limescale and yellow spots spoil the appearance of the bowl, they also affect the quality of the water and cause unpleasant odors.

Before you start scrubbing the toilet, it is worth analyzing the causes of this pollution. In most cases, limescale deposits are responsible. But there is no shortage of urinary stones and food residue on the toilet surface. For this reason, it is better to clean the toilet more often to avoid the accumulation of plaque and yellow stains. Because the more these elements build up, the harder it is to get rid of them.

Also read:  Do you throw toilet paper rolls and sanitary pads in the toilet? It’s a big mistake

Fortunately, there are several ways to prevent yellowing and limescale. For example, you can install water filters or use special toilet pads. But there are also home remedies that you can easily use to achieve long-lasting cleanliness and shine.

Some simple toilet cleaning tips

What if you chose cleaning products that might be more effective than the ones you normally use? Some natural ingredients are not only cheap and less harmful to the environment, but they are also great at descaling your toilets!

  • A natural homemade laundry detergent

Without realizing it, you have some very effective cleaning products in your pantry. A combination of possibilities? Mix white vinegar with salt and baking soda. They are unexpected weapons against tartar and limestone. They also disinfect, stain, and bleach dirty surfaces. The icing on the cake: you can put an end to bad smells!

Here’s how to do it: Heat 1 cup of vinegar to a temperature of 40°C. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt and a little baking powder in this liquid. Mix everything well and pour over the entire surface of the bowl. Use a sponge soaked in the solution to scrub particularly dirty areas thoroughly. Close the toilet lid and leave the product to work overnight. The next day, flush the toilet  with clean water. Cleansing and refreshment guaranteed!

  • Vinegar and citric acid: two ingredients against limescale

Some acids are excellent at removing all limescale deposits, including limescale and urine stains. You can therefore count on the remarkable properties of white vinegar or citric acid.

– Take toilet paper, soak it in vinegar and place it on the dirtiest places, leave it for a few hours and then rinse it with water. And now, voila!

Read also:  Put a roll of toilet paper in the car: Everyone does that. Its use will surprise you!

– Sprinkle 2 bags of citric acid into the tank and bowl. Leave for 3 to 4 hours, then scrub the entire area well with a brush. Your toilet will be fresh and shiny!

  • Cola versus limestone

It may surprise you, but the popular drink isn’t just for cooling down. Who would have thought, but its formulation also helps to make cleaning some surfaces in the home easier. Incidentally, Cola is a very effective remedy for removing incrustations and yellow stains on toilets. Simply pour a 0.75 liter bottle directly into the toilet. Leave on for 40 to 60 minutes. Then scrub with a brush and empty the tank. You will be pleasantly surprised that your toilets are perfectly clean, without the slightest trace of dirt and limescale!

Also read:  Why do you always have to keep toilet paper in the cupboard? The effective solution to a common problem