To clean the kitchen from top to bottom, don’t forget to also clean under the furniture using this method

To clean the  kitchen  from top to bottom, don’t forget to also clean the underside of the furniture using this method  . The kitchen is one of the rooms in the house that must always have good sanitation. For the simple reason that meals are prepared here.

The highest level of hygiene must be guaranteed in this room  . It is not enough to clean it systematically, but  you must also take the time to disinfect it  so that bacteria do not enter the food.

However, some dirt  can be very  stubborn  and never wants to go away, especially if it  hides under furniture  . Luckily, there are simple but effective ways to clean under shelves or dressers in the kitchen.

To clean the kitchen from top to bottom, don’t forget to also clean under the furniture using this method

The old tights technique

You can quickly remove dust with this grandmother’s tip.

To do this, you need to stretch the butt or cut it at ankle level to make it wider  .  Wrap it around a sweep and wipe it under the furniture.

The dustproof towel

For this it is necessary:

  • 300 ml hot water
  • The peel and juice of a lemon
  • 300 ml white or apple cider vinegar
  • 2 spoons  of olive oil

Mix all ingredients in an airtight container  until smooth.  Soak a cloth in the solution  , let it drain a little, and  then dry it  outdoors.

Once the cloth is ready  , you need to  wrap it around a broom and clean the underside of the furniture.

The magic sponge

Simply attach  two or three to the end of the handle of a cleaning tool  . Use adhesive tapes to prevent peeling.  Complete the process by rubbing under the furniture with the non-abrasive side facing the floor. 

Types of washing

Wash with vinegar

For this technique it is possible   to use  vinegar . This ingredient  degreases and deodorizes  .

Add half a glass of white or apple cider to a bucket of hot water and stir.  Then continue with your  usual cleaning  . This solution should not be used on natural stone or marble floors.

Wash with baking soda

The latter is capable  of degreasing any type of surface  .

Simply add  a tablespoon  of white powder  to a bucket filled with hot water  . Soak a mop in it  and then run it under the furniture  .

Wash with Marseille soap

The usage is similar to the other two ingredients, you need to add a spoonful of flakes to the bowl of hot water  . The cleaning agent is effective on even the most sensitive floors.