Washing machine: You only save if you activate this program

Washing machine: You only save if you activate this program  . The prices for electricity and gas continue to rise every year. This makes saving money a priority. To reduce energy consumption and avoid wasting energy, there are certain infallible tricks.

Save on bills: some practical tips you absolutely need to know

Even when you are not using your radiator, it is still necessary  to clean it thoroughly  and  cover it with a dustproof cloth  . You should know that  the dust that accumulates in a device affects the increase in energy consumption  . This means you only have to turn on your already cleaned heater when you need to warm it up. However, avoid  running your  radiator  at maximum power and intermittently. Rather, it is advisable to operate it at a minimum and continuous level  .

What other tips should you keep in mind?

The second golden rule for saving energy is not to put devices in standby mode.  This prevents heat loss. In fact, we are all used to putting our household appliances on standby without knowing that this action causes the  electricity bill  to skyrocket.

These devices are  the oven, the refrigerator, the washing machine, the computer and all other household appliances  . Furthermore, frequent use of these devices is bound to increase your electricity bill. However, in order to minimize your electricity consumption, you definitely need to take a few more ecological measures.

Washing machine: You only save if you activate this program

All  washing machines  , whether old or new, have a  quick wash mode that lasts 30 minutes.  In fact, this washing mode is more economical because it works for only half an hour without neglecting the quality of washing.  Activating the ECO program also reduces energy and water consumption.  This option works at low temperatures. Compared to the normal wash cycle,  the ECO program uses 50% less energy  . By using the ECO function, you can make big savings on your electricity and water bills at the end of the month.