Why do many people put newspaper on cupboards? The answer is this

newspaper cabinets

What are newspapers doing on cupboards?

If you are using white in your home it is normal to see newspaper sheets on the wardrobes and furniture: it is used to avoid paint splashes and protect the furniture. Yet, following the same principle, the same thing can be done to protect furniture from dust .

All you need to do is take some newspaper (better to opt for newspapers which have greater absorbent capacity than the more laminated sheets of magazines).

Now remove the dust from the top of the wardrobes, perhaps using a duster (if you use the ladder, get someone to help you, safety first). Then take a microfibre cloth and moisten it with a solution of warm water and Marseille soap .


This way you will degrease the surfaces well. Once you have applied this solution to the wardrobe, dry it well. Only at this point will you have to take the newspaper sheets and position them well across the entire top of the wardrobe, covering the entire surface (just make sure they are not visible from below).

Alternative uses of the newspaper

In this way the dust will settle on the newspaper and when you have to go to clean all you have to do is remove the newspaper sheets, making sure that the dust does not fall on the wardrobe or on the floor.

This way you will no longer have to use the duster, although we advise you to always give it a pass with the degreasing solution seen before (also because it leaves a good clean smell.)