Why is it smart to put a clove of garlic in front of the house? It gets rid of a big problem

Who doesn’t have a phobia of at least one insect? Spiders, cockroaches, mosquitoes – you’re lucky if you don’t! However, behind this phobia, which at times certainly takes on outrageous proportions, lies a real fear and a natural reflex. The best thing to do is to protect yourself from pests both for your own health and for the hygiene of your home. Among the tips for keeping insects away, garlic occupies a small place in the top 10 natural repellents.

How to scare insects indoors and out of the house and garden with just garlic and a few plants?
Known for a long time, garlic is a staple of Italian and Mediterranean cuisine to enhance the taste of dishes. Even its repellent virtues have not gone unnoticed: its strong, acrid taste drives away the most persistent of pests. From there to ‘tipping the scales’ against the insects that colonise the home, there is only one step, taken a long time ago. Here are some tips for using garlic as an insect repellent in the home or garden.

How to prepare garlic cloves to repel insects outside?
The first repellent method takes only a short time. The garlic head is peeled, the cloves are placed on the ground in strategic places frequented by insects. Doors, cracks in walls, windowsills and places of passage….

The second trick requires a bit of preparation to make garlic porridge.

You need :

A head of garlic, about fifteen cloves
A salad bowl, a colander, or a colander, a fork, a spray
boiled water
In the salad bowl throw the garlic cloves into the previously boiled water.

Leave to infuse for a quarter of an hour.
Use a fork to crush the cloves vigorously, as they are not fully cooked.
Leave to infuse for another quarter of an hour.
Strain through a sieve or colander. The garlic water should be sprayed, so shake the container before spraying. Find all the places frequented by insects and start spraying again, the next day and the day after. You will be able to drive them away and be at peace.

Avete bisogno di :

Una testa d’aglio, circa quindici spicchi
Un’insalatiera, uno scolapasta, o un colino, una forchetta, uno spray
acqua bollita
Nell’insalatiera gettate gli spicchi d’aglio nell’acqua precedentemente bollita.
Procedere in questo modo:

Lasciare in infusione per un quarto d’ora.
Con una forchetta schiacciare energicamente gli spicchi, poiché non sono completamente cotti.
Lasciare in infusione per un altro quarto d’ora.
Filtrare attraverso un colino o uno scolapasta. L’acqua dell’aglio deve essere spruzzata, quindi agitare il contenitore prima di spruzzarla. Individuate tutti i luoghi frequentati dagli insetti e ricominciate a spruzzare, il giorno successivo e quello dopo ancora. Riuscirete a scacciarli e a stare tranquilli.

Like garlic, it is a little-known repellent, but it can also be found in your kitchen. It will not go down well at all with cats and foxes who take your heaven on earth for a public garden with free toilets. Licking coffee grounds after their last needs, cats will soon realise that they should not return to this place!

What are the most effective and natural insect repellent plants? Does lavender attract household insects?
It is a fact: lavender is a delight for insects, starting with bees, which extract a delicious honey from it. It is only in its essential oil form that it takes on repellent properties. In a bowl on a bed of rock salt, or on the heads of your little ones, keep lice and other pests away.

Which flowers should you plant on your terrace to ward off flying insects in the evening?
Citronella without a doubt! Especially since this perennial plant is very easy to grow and can also be used in other forms. Try citronella manure. For this, macerate the chopped leaves in standing water and everything will happen naturally.

You get the idea, garlic in all its forms allows you to repel insects that want to visit your home. That’s it! Without any cruelty, naturally and without getting angry at the neighbours!