Your garden tiles will look like new with this washing technique

Unlike indoor floors, outdoor floors must meet certain criteria. Among them, impermeability, frost resistance and anti-slip properties. The floor must also withstand traffic, loads and external aggressions. You can choose between natural stone, terracotta, concrete and porcelain stoneware to cover your outdoor space. Discover in this article the best way to wash garden tiles without damaging them.

Your garden tiles will look new again with this washing technique

Outdoor tiles get dirty easily from dirt and exposure to the elements. Some materials are more porous and absorb more dust and dirt.

For a deep cleaning, you can make a mixture of water and vinegar. To remove difficult stains, you can add Marseille soap and baking soda to the mixture.

If you have a terracotta floor, it is essential that you use a special cleaner. It is a delicate material. When drying, use only a microfiber cloth and proceed gently.
For stone floors, we recommend mixing 10 tablespoons of alcohol with 2 tablespoons of baking soda and Marseille soap.
If you have a wooden floor, use special products because, like terracotta, wood is a delicate material. To maintain wood, use oil-based products.

How to weed garden tiles?

If weeds are taking over your outdoor space, you need to use a specific product. If you simply pull out the roots, weeds will always appear.

To get rid of them, you have to dilute baking soda in water. Here are the practical steps to follow:

Pour water into a 1 L bottle and add 10 g of baking soda;
Shake it well and pour it immediately on weedy areas;
Wait a few moments to see how the weeds die;
To make sure you get rid of them, repeat the operation several times;
Carry out the operation at dusk or when the temperature is below 35°C.