4 tricks to keep a windowless bathroom smelling good all day long

Having a clean and fragrant bathroom is essential, not only to make a good impression with those who visit us, but also and especially as a matter of health. Everything is complicated when there is poor ventilation in our bathroom, perhaps because a window is missing.

Germs can be found everywhere, even on our skin and bodies. Although not all of them are harmful or dangerous, some of them can cause infectious diseases, which is why we must, in addition to washing our hands frequently, also clean the bathroom.

A clean bathroom is not always synonymous with smelling good. If when you finish cleaning it does not smell as good as it should, or perhaps the clean scent lasts a short time, it is possible that your bathroom is not sufficiently ventilated and therefore moisture and mold are present causing bad odors.

Below we suggest 4 tricks to have a bathroom that always smells good even when there are no windows.

Bags of aromatic leaves

Plants such as bay, eucalyptus and mint are extremely fragrant and their leaves can be used to flavor various corners of the house, especially the bathroom.

Shred some leaves and make bags using a breathable fabric. Place the bags in various corners of the bathroom, especially in areas most prone to water vapor, which will help release the aromas.

Aromatic potpourri

Another very effective trick to keep your bathroom smelling great all the time is to prepare a mix of dry aromatic ingredients, such as cinnamon sprigs, citrus peels, cloves, rose or lavender petals.

Mix them in a container and put them in breathable sachets so that they take effect with steam. Alternatively, you can put them in a glass container without a cap and add a few drops of lavender essential oil.

Aromatizer with baking soda

If you want to prepare a natural air freshener without chemicals that are hazardous to our health, you need baking soda and an essential oil of your choice, such as lavender, lemon mint or cinnamon.

Fill a glass jar two-thirds full with baking soda and add 15 drops of your essential oil. Mix well and cover the opening of the jar with a breathable cloth or gauze, to be tied around it with a rubber band. Put in the bathroom to scent it all over.

Toilet paper trick

For a long-lasting scent, apply a few drops of essential oil to the cardboard tube of toilet paper.

The cardboard will absorb the essential oil and release its aroma throughout the bathroom.

Now that you know how to scent a windowless bathroom, choose your favorite trick and try applying it right away-your bathroom will have a delicious aroma all day long.