5 crops that can be harvested in February

Although this is not the main growing season, there are still many winter crops to harvest in February, especially vegetables and herbs.

Leeks and kale can be picked in late winter and make delicious additions to winter stews and salads.

Of course, these winter crops depend on the time of sowing or sowing. For example, leek seeds sown in the summer will ensure harvests throughout the winter. Evergreen herbs such as rosemary and bay leaf can be harvested at any time, but be careful not to overharvest by heavily harvesting the leaves, as they will not grow back until spring.

Discover below winter vegetable and herb crops to harvest in February to keep your kitchen well stocked in winter.

1) Leeks

Leeks can be sown from February to June and it is those sown in summer that will produce crops in February. If you have an overabundance, it’s okay to leave them on the ground until you need them. Harvesting leeks is easy, just use a fork to gently lift them off the ground.
NB: Harvest a leek by gently lifting it with a large digging fork

2) Bay leaf sauces

Sauce bay, Laurus nobilis, the true bay, is an evergreen shrub, bay leaf sauce can be picked at any time of the year. Young plants in particular can be damaged by frost, so it is best to move them to a sheltered location during the winter, to protect your crops. Plants will not grow in February, so avoid overharvesting bay leaves, especially on young plants.

3) Winter salads

You can supplement your winter crops by growing winter salad. Hardy varieties of your favorite salad leaves can be used, or try more unusual crops such as pimprenelle and winter purslane.

4) Rosemary

Although there are no new shoots to pick, the older, more persistent growth is still perfectly suitable for harvesting and kitchen use. As with laurel, new shoots only appear in spring, so avoid picking too much, especially on young plants. Other persistent aromatic plants can be harvested in moderation, such as thyme.

5) Kale or collard greens

Kale is one of the hardiest winter vegetables, making it ideal for February harvests. Sow kale alongside leeks from March to June, to create a bed of tasty winter vegetables.

And you? What do you harvest from your garden in February?