7 houseplants that eliminate dust and allergies

No matter how many times a week you clean, dust never stops accumulating on surfaces in our homes, which is a serious problem for those with allergies or asthma.

If vacuuming is not enough to keep dust at home at bay, few people know that you can even turn to plants. Some species, in fact, help eliminate contaminating material, such as dust.

Below we list some plants that help purify the air while being super easy to care for and decorating indoor spaces.

  1. Bamboo palm

Its scientific name is Chamaedorea seifrizzi, it is native to Asia and can grow up to 3 meters tall. It needs fertile soil and a moist environment to grow healthy and strong.

Placing it at home helps eliminate substances such as xylene, formaldehyde and ammonia. It is also effective against dust.

  1. Dracaena trifasciata

This is one of the most popular houseplants because of its tropical appearance but also its extreme resistance.

This plant is perfect for eliminating benzene, xylene, toluene and formaldehyde in the air.

  1. Phalangium

Also one of the most common houseplants, it helps eliminate formaldehyde, xylene, toluene, carbon monoxide and dust.

Easy to grow, it can be multiplied easily and is non-toxic to pets. Put it in a corner with indirect light.

  1. Pothos

This plant is very common and easy to obtain as it is marketed almost everywhere. One of its greatest advantages is its hardiness. It needs very little care.

Water it only when the soil is dry. It is effective in absorbing formaldehyde, xylene and benzene.

  1. Spathiphyllum

This very hardy plant is very decorative and needs very little care to grow healthy and strong.

It absorbs dust but also harmful substances such as trichloroethylene, formaldehyde, benzene and xylene.

  1. Rubber Fig.

A very hardy plant that needs very little care, you still need to keep it away from pets as it is toxic.

In addition to purifying the air in your home, the rubber fig helps maintain humidity.

  1. Chrysanthemum

Its flower, in Italy, is associated with anything but, yet the chrysanthemum plant is one of the most effective for purifying the air in the home, removing dust but also benzene, toluene and xylene.

It is poisonous to pets and should be placed in a bright place but without direct sunlight. Water it frequently.