Rosemary, dip it in a jar full of white wine: here’s why.

Rosmarin in a jug of white wine: why do so many do it? Here is the motivation. After reading this article, we are sure that you will also try this system…

Rosmarino in a white wine carafe
We suggest you try, as many other people are doing, macerating a sprig of rosemary in a jar containing white wine. Why should you do it too? Read on to find out: you will be left speechless.

Rosemary properties
Rosmarinus officinalis, also known simply as rosemary, is a plant of ancestral origins that still grows particularly well in rocky soils and in Mediterranean areas…

Foglie di rosmarino
In the past, the ancient Romans and Greeks used sprigs of this plant to celebrate memory, love, life and death. According to a Spanish legend, its overwhelming, strong and intense aroma is capable of warding off negative vibrations or even warding off the evil eye.

Nowadays, rosemary is used both in cooking and to prepare some useful recipes, however, to treat natural digestive ailments, you can prepare herbal teas to restore the intestinal flora or to relieve muscle aches and pains.

Did you know that even in the world of cosmetics this plant is considered almost miraculous? An essential oil is extracted from it and used to make soaps, shampoos and bubble baths that help stimulate blood circulation.

Today, however, we want to tell you why so many people are soaking rosemary in a jar full of white wine. Here’s why you should do it too.

Rosemary in a jar of white wine: here’s what happens.
Why should you also try soaking rosemary in a jar full of white wine? The reason is not long in coming.

Rosmarino in a jar of white wine
It will take you very little time to implement this system, which will prove very useful for your health. All you need are a few sprigs of rosemary -or, failing that, 30 grams of dried rosemary leaves-, a rather large jug and 500 ml of white wine.

Pour the sprigs of this aromatic plant into the jar in which you will pour the white wine< close it tightly with its stopper and leave it in a dry and cool place for at least seven days< so that the properties of rosemary mix with those of the wine.

Every day, remember to shake the jar. After a week, filter the wine into a bottle and keep the rosemary sprigs. All you have to do is drink a small glass of this solution twice a day, morning and evening.

Wondering why you should do it? We’ll explain it to you right now. The combined properties of vine and rosemary allow to purify the body, regulate blood circulation and reduce blood cholesterol levels…

In forma with rosmarino and white wine
This liquid in winter will then really be a panacea, able to warm cold hands and feet. The active principles contained in rosemary leaves prevent the formation of blood clots and thus protect the heart. The active ingredients contained in the vine, on the other hand, are able to alleviate certain ailments such as drowsiness, fatigue and lack of concentration.

With this solution, you will also strengthen your immune system and cure certain ailments such as rheumatism and digestive problems. If you suffer from bloating and meteorism, a small glass of this solution after meals will act as a natural digestive. Here’s why you should try this technique: you can say goodbye to a lot of unpleasantness.