Baked lemons, this movement could save your life: the trick of many grandmothers

Salt in the oven

The oven is one of the most useful appliances in the home, there are even those who own two, to cook multiple delicacies together without wasting time.

We use it every day, to cook, to reheat food from the previous day, to defrost food, to prepare desserts, in short to everything.

Continuous use causes increased bills . Nobody pays attention to it, also because you cannot do without it, so you can do very little, but the oven is the appliance that consumes the most . In addition to energy consumption, it also causes the formation of bad odors and germs and bacteria.

Dirt, bacteria and bad odors, how to prevent them from forming inside the oven after use

To prevent the oven from smelling , it is always recommended to clean it as soon as you finish using it. This way , dirt and bad odors are not trapped inside and can also be easily removed.

Normally, hundreds of products suitable for cleaning  are purchased for a specific appliance. In this case, oven cleaning and hygiene products. In fact, they run the risk of damaging the device even more, because they are aggressive and not exactly hygienic .

These products, which promise a shiny and fragrant oven like new, are difficult to rinse and often, even in small quantities, remain on the walls of the oven. There is a risk that what you cook the next time you clean it will smell bad or be bad for your health .

You only need a lemon to solve any home drama . Let’s see how to use it to achieve incredible results.

How to use lemon to remove the smell inside the oven

Every time we cook, oil, breadcrumbs, and dirt of any kind remain in the oven. The crumbs fall exactly on the grill below and, above all, the oil splashes everywhere. What follows is very dirty glass, not to mention walls that turn black the second time you use them because the oil cooks and dries.

These residues must be removed immediately , possibly while the oven is still hot because they can cause scale and obviously bad smells . Among the bad smells, there is the smell of burning, which is not only unpleasant at this time, but also risks ruining the smell of new recipes .

So just take a lemon and cut it in half . Then place it on a baking sheet, making sure the cut side is facing up. Then turn on the static oven at 100° and wait 5-10 minutes. Once the temperature is reached, turn off the oven and leave the door open . The first thing you will notice is the lemon aroma, which will invade the entire kitchen when it comes out of the appliance.

After letting the oven cool, you will notice that the clean, fresh lemon aroma will also linger inside the appliance.

Remove scale with lemon.

Lemon has an excellent degreasing power , which is why it is considered a valid natural remedy, useful for cleaning the internal walls of the oven and to remove stubborn dirt and scale .

Simply take a baking sheet and pour four glasses of water on it, then squeeze the juice from 4 lemons . Heat the static oven to 180°, place the mold inside and wait 20 minutes. At this point, remove the pan from the oven. The lemon will not only have acted on the pan, but also on the internal walls.

Lemon juice is capable of dissolving the most stubborn scales. Once the oven has cooled down, take a soft, damp cloth and wipe it directly along the walls, without rub too much. The cloth will be able to remove the dirt, which will have been softened by the lemon.

The result will be surprising, also because to have a clean, fresh and fragrant oven it will not be necessary to use any chemical detergent .

Because lemon is a valid ally for cleaning the house

Lemon is considered the ally of any housewife because it has important antiseptic, antibacterial and healing properties . Perfect for disinfecting modest cuts such as scrapes or small cuts and abrasions, it is recommended for canker sores and pimples.

All these properties also make it the perfect ally for eco-cleaning the home, it can be used in any quantity, without fear of contaminating or damage appliances, for example.