Basil, with the twig trick you multiply it in 2 seconds almost at no cost

Buying basil is no longer necessary if you know how to grow it directly at home, saving time and money. That is how. 


Basil has now reached the cost of  21  euros per kg  . Although it is an  aromatic plant  with countless  uses and benefits  , for many it has become  too expensive  . Still, having a  basil plant  is useful not only for its  uses in the kitchen  , but also because placed near  zucchini, tomato or cucumber plants  it helps them fight  parasites  . However,  it will no longer be necessary  to buy  basil  , once you have discovered the method to multiply  what you  already  have  . Let’s see how to do it.

Reproduce basil by cuttings

Having an  infinite supply of basil  is possible, thanks to  reproduction by cuttings,  also called  the twig trick  . What is it about? Plants  can  be   reproduced through  seeds or cuttings  . In the case of  seeds  , we talk about  sexual reproduction  : the  seeds  produced by the  plant  are  sown  to germinate  new plants.  .

Reproduction  by cuttings  , on the other hand, consists of taking  a part of the plant  , whether a  branch  or a  splinter  , and preparing it to  take root  and form a  new plant  , which will be  a clone  of the previous one. . Reproducing  basil by cuttings  is useful because it is a faster method  and easier method . 

Necessary and procedure

To obtain  basil cuttings  from which to form  new plants  , we need: a  knife  or scissors,  bags  ,  soil  ,  hormone root powder  and  labels  . At this point, we need to  cut  some  basil stems  that are as close to the  main stem  of the plant as possible. The  stems  must be  at least 10 cm  long.

Multiply the basil

Next, we remove the  lower leaves  and possible  lateral shoots  , which would otherwise not allow the growth of  new roots. Next, we make a  small diagonal cut  at the bottom of the  stem  , again to facilitate  root development  . 

Reproduction of cuttings

There are several  methods  to  reproduce cuttings  , but when it comes to  basil  , the one  in water  is the simplest. After preparing our  stems  , we place them in  glasses with water  . We place the glasses in a  warm and well-lit area  , but not in contact with  direct light  . We leave the  stems  in the  glasses  for about  two weeks  .

Already after  a week  it will be possible to see the first  root shoots  . Approximately every  two days  , it is important  to change the water  in the glasses to  preserve the cuttings  from forming  bacteria  . By adding a  rooting agent  , even a commercial one, to the water,  roots  will form  faster  . 

Moving cuttings into pots

Once the  roots  have completely formed, we can  remove the cuttings  from the vessels and place them  in the soil  or  in a vase  containing  perlite  or  sand  . The pot should be kept  in the dark for 3 days  to allow the plant  to conserve energy  and not waste it on  photosynthesis  . Additionally, this will allow the  new basil plant  to take root and get used to its  new “home  . ”

Multiply the basil

At this point, we can move the plant to a  bright area  , watering it approximately  every 2-3 days  . The  new seedling  will need  plenty of water , but stagnation  should be avoided   .

By following these  tips  , in  a short time  you will be able to reproduce your  basil seedling  independently  ,  saving  considerably.