Boiler: Use this button to pay less on your bill

With this button you pay less on your bill due to the use of the boiler  . Given the particularly harsh  winter season, it is impossible to do without heating solutions.  Below is the cauldron.  However, the increase in energy costs  is putting us under considerable pressure.  Therefore, it is important to know how to  use the heaters correctly so as   not to increase the bill .

How to use your boiler correctly: Did you know?

While we have always been a loyal boiler user, there are undoubtedly some good usage practices that have escaped us. Discover the  recommendations of professionals  for the correct use of the boiler.

  • Contrary to popular belief, it is advisable   to constantly light the boiler . Periodically turning this device on and off will result in unnecessary gas consumption and may result in breakdowns.
  • Regular boiler maintenance should be carried out by a certified professional  . Neglecting maintenance can actually impact the overall functioning of the device. Only a professional knows the techniques and correct measures to clean the device, replace parts and properly maintain the boiler.
  • Avoid attaching fabrics or radiator covers to boilers.
  • Help the boiler to heat the interior better and therefore consume less energy by ensuring  modern installation of windows  , through  thermal insulation with a thermal layer  , but also through  the arrangement of the rooms  .

Boiler: Use this button to pay less on your bill

The boiler is equipped with a mystery button, by pressing which you can achieve significant savings on your electricity bill. Note that you  can now change the rise and fall of the heating temperature depending on the hours.  This is a practice that complies with the new regulations in force.

Save up to 20% with a good  thermostat  . This way you ensure that your banknote doesn’t end up on fire and at the same time you can enjoy a very warm interior.