Combine baking soda with these 6 products to effectively remove all types of dirt

If you are an avid supporter of natural products, you are undoubtedly familiar with the effectiveness of baking soda in caring for your home. However, for optimal results, you can combine it with other natural products. You will see that these combinations are perfect for getting rid of all the little annoyances at home!

baking soda and white vinegar

The mixture of baking soda and white vinegar is very popular for cleaning drains and eliminating bad odors. To do this, add 50-70 g of the powder into the flushing hole and then 100 ml of vinegar. Leave it on for 15 minutes and rinse with boiling water. For better results, you can also heat a mixture of water and vinegar.

baking soda and lemon

This is a disinfectant combination to eliminate bad odors. To do this, put some baking soda in a bowl and add lemon juice. Then put it in the refrigerator or somewhere that smells bad. If you don’t have fresh lemons, you can use lemon essential oil.

baking powder and coarse salt

Instead of calling a plumber, use a combination of baking soda and coarse salt to unclog clogged pipes. Pour a cup of coarse salt through the tubes, followed by another cup of baking soda. Let it sit for a few moments before adding plenty of boiling water.

Bicarbonate and soda crystals

This is a natural way to clean delicate surfaces and prevent scratches. It’s very easy: Mix 50 g baking powder, 25 g borax and 25 g soda crystals. Gradually add liquid soap to the mixture until a thick cream forms. Next, place the mixture in an airtight jar.

Baking soda and borax

Here you have the perfect mixture for polishing your toilets, sinks and bathtubs. Make a mixture of 200g baking soda and 50g borax. Then apply this mixture to the surfaces with a sponge. Rub well, rinse and dry.

Baking soda and essential oils

Prepare a 100% natural air freshener by mixing 10 drops of essential oil with 2 teaspoons of baking soda. Next add 500ml water. Put the mixture in a spray bottle and spray where you want to eliminate odors.