Dispose of plasters and gauze at home: do you know how to do it correctly?

Health patch

How to dispose of plasters and gauze correctly

The President of the Republic spoke on the issue of medical waste with decree no. 254/2003. According to the provision, the classification of products takes place using the CER code (European Waste Catalogue).

Regarding hazardous waste under the infectious level , such as plasters and gauze, the correct category is made up of the CER codes 1801030 or 180202. They are not recyclable, as they risk becoming a receptacle for viruses and bacteria.

Going into specifics, the plasters and gauzes used must be disposed of in the undifferentiated dry residue , to be adequately protected, so as to prevent them from coming into contact with other people or surfaces.

Please wrap them securely before placing them in the bin. On the other hand, for clean packaging, such as paper wrappers or “leaflets” containing instructions, recycling is permitted. In this regard, it is good to first make sure that they are in good condition.


However, in certain municipalities there are different provisions regarding plasters, gauze and medical waste. If this is the case, the invitation is to scrupulously follow the instructions of the local authority, which has the final say in the matter. It happens, in fact, that institutions prefer to place them in special containers, sanctioning everything through tailor-made guidelines to be observed in the disposal and collection.

So, is the discipline clear now? Follow the rules established by the relevant authorities to avoid unpleasant surprises.