Don’t tear it up if you see it in the garden, it’s worth gold: unfortunately few people know it

Not everyone knows its properties, yet it is a common plant in the garden but just as valuable. Here’s what it can do.

Don't pick them from the garden

This is the  plant  you should never pull out if you find it in your garden.

The best plants with beneficial properties to grow

If you want to grow  beneficial plants  in your garden, but you don’t know which ones to choose, here we reveal the best ones.

You can grow, for example,  jasmine. Jasmine flowers are harvested fresh from the plant, dried and then mixed with sprigs of green or white tea. Say so, if you get flavored tea. This tea is very famous in China, where it was made around 800 years ago.


Thyme is an effective ingredient for stomach problems  and  sore throats. Use the mist to prepare the herbal tea, and if they are flowers, add them too. Thyme grows well in direct sunlight, but also tolerates partial shade and is an ideal herb for rich, low-maintenance cultivars.

Basil is an aromatic plant very popular in cooking, particularly in the Mediterranean, it is also an ideal herb for preparing infusions  Basil tea is a stress reliever and, used with honey and scratches, helps with asthma and coughs, colds and flu. Consumption of basil tea reduces blood sugar duration and helps in heart diseases. Basil grows well in warm weather above 20 degrees.

If you see it in the garden, don’t tear it up

The plant whose value you don’t know is purslane  It is a climbing plant that grows easily in all types of soil, without needing a lot of light or water. Due to these characteristics it is often confused with a harmful herb, but in reality purslane has several medicinal properties, being one of the most important plant sources of omega-3 and, in addition, it has several qualities important such as being diuretic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.

Likewise, this plant can be used in foods to prepare  salads,  soups and as part of stews, being widely used in some European countries. Because it is an excellent source of omega-3, purslane is considered a good option to replace fish in vegetarian or vegan diets. Discover more foods suitable for a vegetarian diet.

According to some studies carried out with purslane, it has been observed that the consumption of the extract of this plant is able to  control blood sugar levels  , since it manages to regulate glucose metabolism, as well as increase insulin sensitivity. .

Purslane in the garden

Purslane is a plant  rich in antioxidant substances  , such as gallotannins, omega-3, ascorbic acid, quercetin and apigenin, which protect cells from oxidative stress caused by free radicals. In this way, the consumption of this plant may be able to protect the body from premature aging, strengthen the immune system and even reduce the risk of cancer.

Research conducted with purslane extract in laboratories established that this herb was able to  relieve the common inflammation of arthritis  in mice, exhibiting an effect very similar to that of several corticosteroids used to treat this condition. Several studies carried out with the extract of this plant have shown antibacterial action against different types of bacteria, including Klebsiella pneumonia, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Streptococcus pyogenes and Streptococcus aureus, even when the bacteria show resistance to antibiotics such as erythromycin, tetracycline or ampicillin.

If you find it in your garden, you absolutely should not throw it away. Indeed, you should cultivate and use it because of its beneficial properties.