Effective trick to remove the smell of moisture from towels

Towels and in general all bathroom textiles are products manufactured with the aim of trapping the moisture that comes into contact with the body. After use, it’s always a good idea to hang them up to dry to avoid the classic damp smell .

Due to their nature, towels tend to give off a bad smell over time. This is because the towels have not been stored completely dry or used for a long period of time.

To solve the problem of damp towel smell, appropriate products must be used. Vinegar, for example, is able to disinfect towels and eliminate their bad smell.

Towels should be washed at least once a week. Simply do it with a little liquid detergent and the addition of 100 ml of vinegar.

The vinegar trick is the most effective for removing bad smells from towels , avoiding chemicals and extending the life of the towels themselves.

If you wash by hand:

Pour plenty of warm water into a bucket to completely submerge the towels.
Add 500 ml white vinegar.
Soak the towels and let them soak for at least an hour.
Wring the towels well and then wash them with the detergent you normally use.
If you wash with the washing machine:

Run a normal wash cycle but pour 250 ml of vinegar into the washing machine drawer designated for fabric softener. Of course, adding fabric softener is not necessary.

It is recommended to use this method every time you wash your towels to prevent bad odors from forming.

Now that you know how to remove the damp smell from towels , we recommend that you first use the method by hand and then always wash the towels with a little vinegar. This means the towels always have a pleasant smell.