Follow this method to absorb moisture in the bathroom and perfume it at the same time

Use this method to absorb moisture  in the bathroom  and perfume it at the same time  . The steam released every time you shower  promotes the humidity in this room.  And this is not without consequences, because in addition to  mold,  you also have to reckon with  unpleasant smells  that spread throughout the room. Fortunately, you can count on the power of this natural product to solve the problem.

How to prepare this secret method?

The basic natural product for carrying out this method is salt. Therefore, you need to collect:

  • Salt  or  baking powder
  • A plastic bag or piece of cloth
  • A glass
  • Orange or lemon peel or citrus essential oil

Here are the steps you need to follow to do this:

  1. Unroll the plastic bag
  2. Using scissors, cut out a square large enough to cover the edges of the glass jar
  3. Set aside to use in the final preparation stage
  4. Prepare the jar and add the salt to the brim
  5. Put the salt in a pot
  6. Grill over the heat and return to the jar
  7. Add the citrus peels while the salt is still hot
  8. Mix well
  9. Cover the jar with plastic squares or a piece of cloth or fine gauze
  10. Close with lid
  11. Wait a few days and you’ll have a scented dehumidifier that does its job

Follow this method to absorb moisture in the bathroom and perfume it at the same time

 To reduce the humidity in the bathroom  with this DIY dehumidifier , it is recommended to place the glass on a shelf or on the windowsill. When you shower, remove the lid and let the salt and citrus work their magic.  Remember to always replace the salt when it is wet, otherwise it will lose its effectiveness.