Here you will find out how you can permanently eliminate insects from the kitchen in a natural way

For many of us, the kitchen is the center of the home. While many tasks are performed in the kitchen, delicious meals are prepared, and often eaten at the table, this place can also be infested with all sorts of insects. From cockroaches to house flies and ants to fruit flies, the kitchen is quickly infested. We will explain to you how you can get rid of these pests.

There are numerous ways to eliminate these nasty visitors without having to contact pest control companies directly. Here are a few ways you can achieve this effectively and without the use of chemicals.


The first steps to eliminate pests

– Thorough cleaning as a preventative measure to remove insects

The first step you should take if you want to eliminate insects from your home is a comprehensive cleaning. Insects take over the kitchen because they are looking for food. Therefore, the kitchen is a real paradise for pests that tend to infest the kitchen. That’s why it’s important to clear this room of dirt, food and crumbs lying around on the surfaces.


An additional measure is to identify the places where the insects appear and then look for the nests so that they are easier to eliminate using the following tips. The hiding places of cockroaches and ants are generally outdoors or in drains. Some cockroaches also go unnoticed because they can easily get in through small cracks in different places in the house or behind furniture.

Tips for controlling insects

– Peppermint oil as a remarkable insect repellent

If you want to get rid of ants, mosquitoes, spiders or even rats in a natural way, there is an option that combines the useful with the pleasant: peppermint oil. Whether you use the peppermint plant or the oil, the wonderful scents will delight you and at the same time you will keep the pests at bay. To do this, mix 10-15 drops of peppermint essential oil with 300 ml of water, stir and then pour it into a spray bottle. Spray this mixture in places prone to insect infestation and benefit from one of the best pest repellents.

– Diatomaceous earth to combat insects

Compared to chemical insecticides, diatomaceous earth is not harmful to our health, but is very effective against insects. It is effective against flies, spiders, cockroaches, cockroaches, wasps, moths, aphids and bedbugs. Just like the previous mixture, spray it on the insect infested places and after two days you should have gotten rid of the pests.

When it comes to bedbugs, you shouldn’t hesitate to try every option to get rid of another type of bug: bed bugs.

– Lemongrass essential oil to keep insects away

Essential oil from lemongrass or lemon eucalyptus or rose geranium works effectively in the fight against pests. Simply fill this into a small spray bottle and spray the affected areas in the kitchen.

– Pyrethrins to remove insects

Pyrethrins are derived from a plant called Dalmatian pyrethrum and are a dangerous insecticide. Spray on moths, cockroaches, fleas or mosquitoes to remove them. Please note that this is a fairly dangerous product. This product should therefore be handled with care.

– Lavender to repel insects


Just like with peppermint oil, you also benefit from a wonderful scent with this mixture, which also keeps insects away. All you need to do is place sachets of dried lavender in strategic places such as closets and other places that you consider to be infested with insects.

Lavender can also become part of your cleaning routine. To do this, fill a spray bottle with 1⁄2 liter of water, add 10 to 12 drops of lavender essential oil and then spray this mixture onto all affected areas. By the way, a few drops of lavender essential oil can also be used perfectly in natural cleaning products.

With such numerous effective methods, it becomes very difficult for insects to infest and inhabit your home.