Homemade mosquito repellent in minutes and for only 25 cents

Homemade mosquito repellent in minutes and for only 25 cents

Unfortunately, the summer season brings with it several   especially annoying insects, among which we find mosquitoes.  Especially at night, sometimes there are so many that no one can enjoy a night outside without getting stung. There are   many harmless skin products on the market that prevent them   and many other chemicals that eliminate or neutralize them. But today we offer you a natural remedy to keep them away from your home.

Homemade mosquito repellent in minutes and for only 25 cents

The first thing you have to do is   get a bottle like a Coca-Cola bottle   . Cut it roughly in the center, where the bottle squeezes at a certain point. In any case, you can also use other plastic bottles, as long as they have a narrow outlet hole.

Then put 300 ml of hot water at the bottom of the bottle   that does not exceed 40°, otherwise the yeast will die. However, first put 4 tablespoons of sugar and stir until it dissolves.  The two elements should not be placed at the same time   to avoid the release of carbon dioxide that covers them towards us.

That is why we offer you this mixture that releases it   and attracts mosquitoes by trapping them. Return to preparation.

Once the sugar has dissolved, let the water cool slightly and   when it drops below 40°, add a cube   of yeast   or 25 grams of baking powder and mix everything together.

Then take the top of the bottle and   insert it upside down into the other part   of the bottle with the mixture. Place it inside or outside (in this case, secure the two parts of the bottle with some tape). The mixture should be changed every three or four days.  The manufacturing cost of this mosquito repellent is around 25/30 cents.

Rest assured, this is a great DIY solution to get rid of mosquitoes!