How do you clean and dust a radiator? Natural tips and remedies

The winter season is just around the corner and with the cold we will turn on the radiators again. We’ve been neglecting them after being outside all summer, but now it’s time to give them a proper cleaning.

Cleaning radiators is certainly not a pleasant task, but it is necessary to remove dust, dirt and limescale that can affect their performance or cause breakdowns and heat loss.

To make the task easier, you need to find a practical method that allows thorough cleaning in a short time and with little effort. Even if the radiators look perfect from the outside, a closer look is enough to see that the cracks are full of dust and dirt. The first thing you need to do is arm yourself with a duster and remove surface dirt by inserting it into the cracks and moving it up and down.


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Natural remedies for clean and disinfected radiators
One of the easiest ways to clean radiators is to use a damp sponge with warm water and Marseille soap. Gently run the sponge over the surface of the radiators, paying particular attention to the cracks. To avoid soaking the floor, you can place a basin under the radiator and move it if necessary.

You can also use white vinegar diluted in hot water or baking soda. Lemon juice is another natural remedy that can be used to clean radiators. Lemon has antibacterial properties and effectively removes limescale deposits. Simply cut a lemon in half and scrub the surface of the radiators. You can also prepare a mixture of lemon juice and hot water in a bowl, dip a cloth or sponge into it, and then wipe over the radiators.

Finally, if your radiators are very dirty or oxidized, you should consider using steam. Steam can remove stubborn dirt and kill bacteria without the use of chemicals.