How do you combat condensation on windows at night? 6 quick solutions

Condensation is a phenomenon that occurs when moisture from warm air comes into contact with a cold surface. The air, saturated with water vapor, then cools and changes from a vapor to a liquid state, resulting in water droplets and fog on windows and glass. This phenomenon often occurs when humidity is high and condensation occurs on cold surfaces such as windows. To prevent condensation from forming on windows at night, there are six solutions you should know.

Misting on the windows, dampness in the walls, peeling wallpaper, mold formation or peeling paint… The presence of condensation in the apartment has many consequences. To avoid condensation problems, some rules are necessary.

What are the risks of condensation?

Condensation is a common phenomenon that often indicates moisture problems in the home.

Condensation is a common phenomenon – source: spm

Excess humidity leads to saturation of the air and excess water vapor eventually liquefies. The contact between the hot air and the cold surface creates a thermal bridge. Sometimes mold appears on ceilings, walls or bathrooms.

Moisture can lead to mold formation – source: spm

These fungi can be responsible for poor air quality and cause long-term respiratory problems. In addition, it sometimes happens that excessive humidity causes bad smells. In addition, condensation can damage the materials and coatings of the house (wood, wallpaper, paint). To avoid damage from condensation, it’s best to act as quickly as possible.

How do you measure humidity?

To find out if you have a condensation problem, you first need to measure the humidity in your home. It is believed that an ideal relative humidity should be between 30 and 60%. You can equip yourself with a thermometer-hygrometer to make a humidity diagnosis. Therefore, a rate above 60% is likely to have harmful effects on your health and home. However, if the humidity is below 20%, this does not pose a danger to the residents of the house, but it can cause discomfort (too dry air).

How do you solve a condensation problem in the house?

To avoid damage from condensation, it’s best to act as quickly as possible.

Here are our solutions to combat condensation:

  • Heat rooms where condensation forms to prevent moisture
  • Clean the ventilation slots regularly to ensure ventilation performance
  • Ventilate the house daily and open the windows to allow air to circulate for at least 15 minutes, even in winter
  • Place a moisture absorber or dehumidifier in rooms with high humidity
  • Choose houseplants to combat condensation
  • Replace single glazed windows with double glazed windows

With these 6 solutions you can enjoy a healthy indoor climate and protect your home from moisture damage