How to clean a very dirty floor: Simple and inexpensive tips

Cleaning products that have a stain-removing effect but are not very respectful of the environment and our health are often automatically used. However, maintenance of floors, including tiles, can be done with ingredients within reach of the kitchen.
Floor cleaning and maintenance does not always require the use of polluting chemicals. It is possible to adopt an ecological cleaning kit to descale, scrub and remove dirt.

Cleaning materials are expensive and not environmentally friendly.
While there are natural cleaning products, many believe that bleach is the only floor cleaning liquid that causes bad odors. However, being fond of cleaning, degreasing and disinfecting products is not only uneconomical but also not respectful of our planet. And for good reason, there are multi-purpose solutions that can clean tiles just as well as those found in supermarkets. With a little effort and the right ingredients, you can remove stains easily using cleaners suitable for laminate, linoleum and terracotta floors.

cleaning equipment

Cleaning materials Source: The Guardian

You can make your own floor cleaning products.
To properly clean and deodorize, you can find a chemical-free alternative that is good for the environment. With these natural products you can replace some cleaning products that you usually use. Rest assured that what you are about to prepare has antiseptic and bacterial properties , allowing it to clean a tile floor or any other material. To you, unstoppable freshness and impeccable home maintenance accessible to all budgets. The advantage: You can easily make these System D cleaners and they are suitable for other household stains.

Soda crystals and lemon are products suitable for all soils
It’s easy to make a powerful cleaner without chemicals and suitable for all surfaces. To do this, you must mix 800 milliliters of cold water with 50 grams of soda crystals in a large container. Wait 15 minutes for this natural detergent to become liquid. The second step is to incorporate 150 grams of liquid black soap and a few drops of lemon essential oil for a subtle fragrance inside. After mixing the preparation, pour everything into a bottle equipped with a sprayer. To keep this liquid ideal for cleaning floors, store it in a dry place and away from direct sunlight. Use it like any other detergent!

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Floor cleaning Source: Good Housekeeping

Terre de Sommières for regular carpet maintenance
Carpeted flooring is delicate as it is difficult to overcome a stain on this material. Sometimes, when using stain remover, it becomes more tenacious and leaves a much larger halo. There is no need to panic and call a professional as a natural product can make this type of floor look like new. Your name ? The land of Sommières. You can find this stain remover in supermarkets, organic stores or DIY stores. To find a clean rug or carpet, you will have to pour this brown powder and let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes. The second step is to vacuum and you will see that the stain that worried you so much has magically disappeared. And for good reason, this clay absorbed it!

Black soap is a natural multi-surface cleaning product
If black soap is an essential ingredient for system D lovers, it is because it is an unparalleled cleaner. The reason: it is a degreaser and disinfectant suitable for tiles, linoleum but also parquet. Its advantage is that it not only cleans dirty and dusty floors but also provides a touch of shine that you cannot live without. To take advantage of the effects of this mixture of oil and black olives, it must be mixed with a liter of water poured into a bucket. If you want to have a spotless home, get a mop and gently scrub any floor. Magic, right?

Marseille soap is one of the ecological products to adopt in your home
This Provençal block loved by our ancestors is ideal when your floor is linoleum, a surface particularly vulnerable to stains. To overcome it, there is no need to run to the supermarkets to get a specific stain remover, since Marseille soap is an economical and effective solution. To see it work, it will be necessary to mix this crushed product with a bucket of warm water. Finally, it will be necessary to use this preparation as we use our chemical detergent product, simply polishing. After cleaning, don’t forget to dry your linoleum floor with a dry mop. A simple and effective alternative to forget about bleach. Sometimes this product can really damage your clothes and make them unwearable. Fortunately, there are tricks to eliminate this problem that you could do without.

White vinegar and black soap to shine the vinyl
This budget-friendly floor covering is similar to expensive surfaces such as cement or parquet. Like other durable materials, you can maintain it naturally with economical and environmentally friendly alternatives. To clean vinyl effectively without using chemicals, all you need is white vinegar and liquid black soap. In a bucket with water, pour half a cup of the first ingredient and two tablespoons of the second. The rest is simple: you will have to use this mixture like all cleaning chemicals, that is, with a mop or a microfiber cloth. This last step is ideal for removing a stain from a specific area.

White vinegar and lemon are outstanding organic products
Here is a perfect mix for all types of floors such as tile, cement and waxed concrete. Those surfaces that are more prone to getting dirty can be effectively cleaned with this powerful dirt-fighting combination. The preparation of this natural product consists of mixing the juice of one lemon, half a grated Marseille soap, a tablespoon of white vinegar and a liter of water in a bucket. After preparing this homemade cleaning liquid, all you have to do is clean the surface of your choice with it. Let this mixture dry and you will quickly notice that your surface is spotless. There are benefits to making your environment healthier. Doing housework even allows you to gain longevity!

Vinegar and mint are allies of tiling
The main reason you should use these two ingredients is that they are great for tiles, a particularly porous and messy floor. This preparation is also ideal for deodorizing your home without the heady smell that is often the case with a deodorant product. The preparation of this cleaning liquid is simple and economical. Enjoy it by mixing 50 cl of water with 2 tablespoons of organic dishwashing liquid and the same amount of soda crystals and white vinegar. For a delicate fragrance, add 10 drops of peppermint essential oil which will add freshness to your home. When cleaning the floor, you will need to pour a capful of this preparation into your bucket of water when you mop the floor. Be careful, this homemade solution can be toxic if you have children or animals at home.

Clean your tiles with black soap and linseed oil
This particularly porous floor can quickly become stained with water. That is why a natural greasy product will be necessary to maintain this aesthetic surface that is reminiscent of the houses of yesteryear. To avoid damaging the latter, mix a 2-liter container with 50 centiliters of an oil, the same amount of water and 75 centiliters of liquid black soap. The final touch of this preparation consists of adding 30 drops of tea tree essential oil, a product recognized for its antiseptic and antibacterial properties. To clean this surface, you will need to add a capful of this cleaning liquid to half a bucket of hot water. Let the magic happen and these tiles dry. You will see that they are not only shiny but also free of dust!

All your floors will be clean with white vinegar and thyme
Those who wish to have a maintenance product suitable for all surfaces have a ready solution. The ideal thing with this cleaner is that it not only cleans the floor as it cleans the sink, toilet, countertop and other areas susceptible to accumulating dirt. To make this all-in-one eco-friendly cleaner, add 8 tablespoons of white vinegar, 2 tablespoons of liquid black soap , and 10 drops of thyme essential oil to a liter of hot water. You can pour it into a bottle with a spray bottle or into a bucket of water for mopping. Cleaning your house requires method. 9 tips allow you to clean it quickly and save time.

Degrease surfaces with lemon and baking soda.
If the floor is dirty with greasy and stubborn stains, this preparation is formidable. Like the previous mixture, it adapts to all the surfaces in your home and leaves them sparkling without using chemicals. To take advantage of it, you must mix 1.5 liters of hot water with a glass of white vinegar, 3 tablespoons of lemon juice and 10 drops of essential oil of this citrus for a little more freshness. You can use this solution with a cloth to remove a mark on the floor, but also to clean your kitchen sink very easily. A healthy alternative to homemade bottles!