But how beautiful are  sandals   in summer? They allow us to have uncovered  and always fresh feet.

The only downside, however, is that they  tend to stain from contact with foot sweat, creating annoying halos that  make them look old and worn.

Speaking of which, today we will see together  how to clean sandals and remove halos  before wearing them this summer so that they look like new!

What will you discover?


The first ingredient we suggest is  sodium bicarbonate  , which  has very gentle cleansing and whitening properties  . After you have brushed the footbed of the sandal and  removed excess dirt with a soft cloth  , pour some baking soda onto the footbed and  rub it vigorously with a toothbrush  so that it can be absorbed.

Then let it  sit for a few hours or overnight before brushing  to remove all of the baking soda. We recommend that you  repeat the process several times  to completely remove the stains.


Baking soda can be combined with another food ingredient known for its degreasing and cleaning properties: vinegar   This remedy is particularly suitable for removing halos on the  cork soles of sandals  and also helps  eliminate the bad odors that often form in these shoes.

All you have to do is  put a glass of vinegar and a glass of baking soda  in a spray bottle and spray the resulting mixture directly onto the insole. Then wipe some cotton pads or cotton wool  to remove the residue  , leave for a few hours and then let the sandals  dry in the fresh air overnight  . Goodbye halos!


An even more effective remedy is to  use lemon,  always in combination with bicarbonate. In fact, both ingredients have cleaning properties that are a godsend  for brightening even the dirtiest clothes without having to resort to bleach.  

Then put two tablespoons of baking soda in a bowl, then add the   juice of half a lemon  and mix until you get a thick and grainy mass  that resembles a peel.  Then apply it to the insoles of your sandals with halos, brush with a toothbrush  to promote absorption and pass with a cotton pad to remove any residue.

Now leave the cream  to act for a few hours or overnight  before wiping it with a damp cloth to completely remove the last remaining cream residues. Finally, let your sandals dry in the fresh air and   they will be like new again!

Marseille soap

After bicarbonate, vinegar and lemon, how could the  well-known Marseille soap be missing?  In fact, this ingredient is  used to make a DIY stain remover!

However, we would like to point out that this ingredient can only be used for the rubber insoles typical of flip-flops   .  All you have to do is pour a spoonful of soap flakes into a bowl of water, dip a   toothbrush  in the  mixture thus obtained  and distribute it on the halos by rubbing vigorously until   a white patina is formed. 

Then wipe with a damp cloth, rinse,  let dry – done! 

Talc Pads

Finally, let’s look at  how to use talcum powder  , an ingredient known for its ability to soothe skin irritations in children. But in reality it has  a strong absorbent function  and can  remove dirt and especially sweat stains from your sandals.

All you need to do is sprinkle the footbed of your sandal with talcum powder,    leave it on for a full night, and place a damp, not wet, cloth on the footbed the next day. At this point, let it dry out of the sun and… the  halos will just be a bad memory!

To remove bad smells

And if you also want to remove the smell from your shoes, here is  a video to show you how to do it!


We remind you to check the material of your sandals before following our advice. Always follow the labels inside to clean them properly and avoid damage.