How to clean blackened silver to make it like new again

Silver objects are among the most valuable items we keep in our homes: whether rings, bracelets, necklaces, but also cutlery or other decorative items, they almost always have sentimental as well as economic value.

Silver has, however, one flaw: over time it tends to blacken and lose its natural luster. This is a completely natural and, fortunately, solvable phenomenon.

This metal takes on a dark, opaque color due to exposure to hydrogen sulfide in the air. The chemical reaction that occurs affects the surface layer of the object, and this is precisely why it is possible to recover it.


It is not only useful for keeping the mouth free of cavities, but can be used to recover blackened silver.

Wash silver objects with soap and water, then apply a layer of toothpaste to their surface for 5 minutes. Finally, rinse with cold water and dry well with paper towels.

Dish detergent, salt and vinegar

In a container mix water, salt, a tablespoon of white vinegar and a few drops of liquid dish detergent.

Soak silverware in the solution and wait about 20 minutes. Finally, rinse with plenty of water and wipe with a clean cloth to remove stains and dry the silver.

Baking soda

Mix baking soda and water until you get a solution with a creamy consistency, which you can use to clean silver until dark stains are completely removed.

Rinse with plenty of water and dry with a clean cloth.

To prevent silver from blackening, avoid letting it come into contact with liquids such as ammonia, bleach or other chemicals. If possible, store silver items in aluminum foil and always clean them before and after use.