How to clean yellowed clothes and make them like new

It is normal for your clothes to turn yellow as you age. Only it is always possible to recover your old white t-shirt. Discover valuable tips to recover your clothes and leave them impeccable. These methods are simple and will not take you much time.

You have reasons to be happy since it is possible to recover your clothes that are tarnished or yellowed from use. Fans of the D system know that these techniques will allow you to make them as white as snow!

There are natural methods to preserve your clothes for a long time

Even if you are very careful not to damage your clothes by knowing the correct washing procedures, it can happen that they turn yellow and become unwearable. Good news:   you won’t have to throw them away,   as there are ways to get your clothes back to their original color. The ingredients you will have to use to save them are within reach of the kitchen! You’ll save yourself expensive laundry costs with these effective tips using these natural household products to restore your clothes to their former glory.

1. White vinegar

If the washing machine is no longer enough to restore the whiteness of your clothes, this method is formidable. And that goes for your towels and sheets too. To get rid of this rebellious and unsightly coloration, have you thought about white vinegar? If the stains affect parts of the fabric,   simply rub them with this   acidic and devilishly effective household solution. Then let it sit for up to two hours and proceed with a normal wash.

2. lemon

Renowned for its whitening properties, lemon is a citrus fruit of choice for your clothes. For this System D preparation, you will need 2 grams of salt and the juice of 2 lemons. You can also   substitute baking soda for the salt  , also known for its ability to whiten fabrics. Mix all these ingredients in warm water that you put in a sink for an express hand wash. Magic, right? Lemon is a natural household product  . You would be wrong to deprive yourself of it!

lemon2 3
Lemon and salt are magical to find bright white linen Source: Blog BUT 

3. Hydrogen peroxide

This chemical is often recommended to remove the yellowing appearance of textiles. Only it is imperative to dilute this liquid so as not to damage them. To use, mix one part hot water and half hydrogen peroxide in a container. Let the garment or clothing sit for a few minutes before washing and finally rinsing it. An intelligent method that will allow you to regain whiteness in a short time.

4. Marseille soap

No wonder housewives of yesteryear used it for everything! Marseille soap, which can also help you sleep , is highly detergent and will allow you to find clothes white as snow! Just follow this advice carefully. Start by soaping the fabric before letting it sit for an hour in the product. In a sink or basin, scrub vigorously. All you have to do is rinse and dry to see the amazing result. If your fabrics are large like a comforter or sheets, you can make your own bleaching detergent. So grate 150 grams of this soap that you will mix with a cup of soda crystals. Pour this preparation into 3 liters of boiling water. Mix these products and let this improvised detergent cool in an airtight container. All you have to do is place this liquid in the tank dedicated to the detergent liquid. Activate the machine!

5. eggshell

Don’t throw them away! They can be great for your clothes even if it seems surreal. To use it, you have to put them in small pieces in a sock that you have tied. Make sure you only fill it halfway before placing it in the drum of your washing machine. We owe this power to the high level of calcium in the shells. Did you know that you can use them for   10 other uses in your home   ?

6. Milk powder

To give a second life to your clothes, nothing like a little dehydrated milk. Mix this product with water and soak your clothes in this mixture. For more impressive results, dry your clothes in the sun. This trick is also valid with classic milk as long as you soak it for an hour in this drink.