How to heat your house without turning on the radiators?

A warm and comfortable house in winter  is what relieves us the most from the freezing cold outside.
To heat it properly we immediately think of solutions like radiators, stoves, etc., but all these elements are enemies of savings.
In order to reduce expenses at the end of the month and avoid radiators, let’s take a look at all the methods needed to  heat the house first!

Enjoy the sun

The first and timeless piece of advice that I can’t help but give you is to make the most of the sunlight!
This means that on sunny days it is good to open the curtains, especially if you have dark curtains and double fabric, and let the sun’s rays enter the house.
It is of course not necessary to also open the windows and balconies because it will just be enough to let  the sun in  !
In doing so,  the house remains warm  even in the hours following the movement of the sun, avoiding the need to turn on the radiators!

Watch out for the curtains

We have just mentioned curtains and how they play a very important role in heating the house.
In fact, you should try not to place them in front of any heating source, whether windows, balconies, radiators, stoves, etc.
I therefore advise you to use light-colored curtains in order to “make room” for the sun and always light fabrics for the same reasons.

Avoid drafts

How bad is that feeling of feeling that blast of wind directly into your skin?
Drafts are one of the worst things to hear, especially when we take on the heat and make all efforts pointless.
In this regard, it would be advisable to check all the doors and light fixtures in the house from which the wind comes out and to put sausages using these fabric snakes or even horizontally rolled  towels .
A more drastic solution if you are in the process of building a new apartment would be to install modern  lighting fixtures  that leave no room for wind.

Use mats

Rugs are an adornment and  a nice touch of style  to give to your interior!
There are those who use large ones for the entire living room or bedrooms and those who prefer small ones, but in any case they are always very pleasant to look at.
If you also like having rugs in your home, know that they are not only excellent for beautifying the environment, but also for  heating the house!
In fact, they retain heat well without letting it penetrate into the ground. Also, in case you have  radiators , put a rug underneath and the room will heat up faster!

Closed doors

The most used areas of the house are undoubtedly the living room and the kitchen, unless specific tasks are carried out in other rooms such as studying, working or doing household chores.
During the hours of the day when you are not using these particular rooms, I strongly advise you to  keep the doors closed  so as not to disperse heat.
The more space you give the heat to expand, the more it will be reduced and you will feel more of the cold sensation.

Use specific covers

To achieve sleep during the winter, you absolutely must stay warm and relax well.
This objective is generally achieved by making excessive use of heaters which, in some cases,  remain on even throughout the night.
Our body is capable of warming itself, so we just need to use heavier blankets  specific to the cold.

In case of radiators

Last advice is in case it is necessary to turn on the radiators.
We just talked about overusing  heaters , so using them sparingly will save you money.
First of all, always keep the thermostat under control, even a higher degree implies higher costs  on the bill.
Also program the ignition and, while it is running in a room, keep all other doors closed in order to concentrate and properly retain all  the heat.