Did you know you can make a spiral potato slicer at home? With this utensil you get visually appealing potatoes for your various preparations.
The Potato Cutter is one of the objects that you can craft by recycling items that you no longer use. The result is simply wonderful!
Spiral potato cutter: how to do it at home?
To make a homemade potato cutter you will need:
un taladro
un metro rígido
un batidor con disco de corte metálico
un destornillador de punta plana
una lima pequeña
una botella de plástico
un cuchillo
unas tijeras
una llama para calentar el plástico
una varilla metálica
una llave inglesa
una pistola de calor
How is it prepared?
To make the potato loops, choose a metal can with grooves and clean it.
Remove the paper and make two small holes. Next, connect the two holes using a whisk and the appropriate disc.
Next, pry open a flap with a flathead screwdriver and cut out the opening with a metal file to make the potato cutter.
Next, use a knife to cut out the bottom of a 10cm diameter bottle. Next, use a heat gun to glue the bottom of the bottle to the opening of the box to facilitate the opening system.
Drill a hole in the center of the plastic piece to insert the metal rod into the can, then use the whisk to cut it to the desired length. Next, sharpen the tip of one of the two ends.
Next, using the hole in a wrench, bend the rod into a Z shape that will serve as a handle for the tool you want to create.
Once you’ve finished drilling a hole in the center of the bottle cap and two other small holes to insert two small screws, insert the rod into the center hole and slide it into the handle. At the same time, fill the stopper with hot glue.
Next, peel a potato, insert the pointed side into the stem and press it into the cut-out part of the box by turning the handle.
The potato enters the can through the slot and comes out curled up. Next, remove the plastic cap from the bottom of the bottle.