How to prepare the drink that cleanses the colon and combats constipation

Part of the waste and nutrients that our body is not able to digest can accumulate in the intestine, putting our health at risk and favoring the appearance of conditions such as overweight or chronic fatigue.

The simplest way to eliminate all these waste and toxins that accumulate daily in the intestine is by consuming foods rich in fiber, which also help promote intestinal transit and fight constipation.

Below we explain how to prepare a  drink that cleanses the colon and combats constipation   , thanks to the fibers, vitamins and minerals in each of its ingredients.

Apple. It is a fruit rich in vitamins and pectin, a soluble fiber that helps us improve intestinal transit and feel full for longer.

Flax. They are cereals rich in fiber and omega 3. They help facilitate digestion, improve the absorption of nutrients and improve cardiovascular health.

Chia seeds. Also rich in fiber, they have great cleansing properties and are low in calories.

Honey. This superfood has so many benefits that it is difficult to summarize them all. It is an antioxidant, reduces cholesterol and helps you lose weight.

To prepare the drink, mix the apple cut into pieces with a tablespoon of flax seeds. Then add a tablespoon of chia seeds and wait a few minutes for them to soften. Finally, add honey, mix and drink daily on an empty stomach for 2 weeks.