How to remove rust stains with natural remedies

Eye-catching and unsightly:   Rust  stains   can form   on floors, tiles, clothing.

Due to their color, between brown and reddish, they are easily   identifiable   . But they are also among the   most difficult stains   to   remove   .

They usually form when in   contact   with   iron   : for example, on   floors   near a   gate   or   door   , on   clothes   in contact with a   dryer   or an   old hanger   .

There are specific products to eliminate them, but they usually contain   aggressive chemical elements  .

In reality, it is much easier to resort to   natural remedies     , using products that we already have at home.

Let’s see together how  to effectively and quickly remove   rust stains     !

Note:   before using the proposed natural remedies, always read the   manufacturing   instructions   to   avoid damaging clothing, floors or walls.

Also, always be   very   careful   with   rusty iron     and, in case of cuts, seek   immediate medical attention.

Rust stains on clothes

Did you find a rust stain on your    favorite T- shirt   or   shirt ?

Removing it is very simple and you have more   possibilities  .

White wine vinegar

White wine vinegar  has a powerful  degreasing action   and is capable of removing the rust that remains adhered to the   fabric   .

The best way to use it is to take aluminum foil, dip it in white wine vinegar, and rub it on   the stain   .

Leave for a few hours and wait for everything to dry. If necessary, repeat the operation.

Then wash the garment as usual. After   washing   , the   stain   will be a distant memory!

Sodium bicarbonate

Among the most effective natural remedies for    home   cleaning , baking soda   dissolves   rust   , making fabrics shine like never before!

Its use is very simple! Simply take a handful of   baking soda   and add it to some   water   .

In fact, you don’t need to dissolve   baking soda in water   , just moisten it to get a    paste-like mixture .

Apply the mixture to the   stain   and let it act. Once dry, rinse with   warm water  .

The   stain   will have completely disappeared.

salt and lemon

A   very simple and quick remedy   :  salt   and   lemon,  combined   to absorb and remove any   rust  stain     !

Take   fine salt   and sprinkle it on the stained part of the   fabric   .

Then squeeze half   a lemon   over it, letting the   juice   penetrate the stained part.

Put the garment in the   sun   and wait for it to dry. Then wash it normally.

The   absorbency   of the   salt , combined with the degreasing  power     of the   lemon , will make the stain  disappear    , returning the garment to its   original color   .

Rust stains on floors

Removing rust stains that form on floors   requires   attention: you must always take the material into account so as not to damage it.


For   marble or wooden floors    , avoid using lemon   and   baking soda, due to their  abrasive potential   that could damage them.

The best solution in this case is salt   ,   which should be sprinkled on the stain and then moistened with   warm water     .

The salt must be left on for several hours, almost an entire day, so that it completely absorbs the   stain   .

After at least 12 hours, rinse.

If the   stain   persists, repeat the operation.


For   ceramic   or   stoneware floors   , the best solution is to use   lemon   .

Simply spray the     rust   stain with   lemon juice     . Its dissolving action will actually dissolve the   scale.

After a few hours, with an  iron net   , scrape off the stain that, thanks to the   lemon   , will have softened.

Then, rinse with   warm water   .

Rust stains on tiles

Very often rust stains form   on     vertical  tiles , especially in the bathroom   , near the iron pipes of the sink, toilet, shower or bidet.

But it is not uncommon for them to also form on   kitchen tiles     .

Typically, the same   methods   used to remove rust from tile are used for floors   ,   but there are other   remedies as well   .


Molasses is a sugar cane extract that, in addition to being very good, also has   degreasing properties     .

To use, simply dissolve half a cup in two liters of water.

Next, dip a sponge   into the liquid and wipe it over the  abrasive side  of the tiles.

Rub vigorously (always taking into account the fragility of certain tiles) until  the   stain disappears   .

Finally, rinse with   warm water     .


A quick   and   easy remedy     !

Take a   raw potato  and cut it in half. Then rub it on the   tiles   , on the cut side.

When scrubbing, use force to stick a potato residue on the   tile.

Leave this residue for 9/10 hours, then rinse with   warm water     .

Thanks to its  solvent action   , the   potato   will dissolve rust deposits, leaving the   tiles   clean and shiny.