How to transform an old dress into a pretty skirt?

Every morning, it’s the same story! You open the closet when you’re getting dressed and you stand there for a good ten minutes, looking at your clothes, because you don’t know what to put on! Your wardrobe is bursting at the seams and yet… These jeans are too tight, this dress is too short, this sweater doesn’t flatter us,… Piles and piles of clothes piled up in your wardrobe, which you have never put and do not intend to put!

What are you waiting for to get them out of there! Why not donate what you no longer like and recycle the pieces that are important to you and that you can’t part with? Yes, yes, that dress over there in the back for example! The one that reminds you of your wonderful birthday last year! It may no longer suit you, but you can bring it back to life and wear it again in a completely different way!

A woman using a sewing machine

How to recycle your clothes?

Sometimes we buy clothes for special occasions and others compulsively without thinking about when or with what we are going to wear them! So clothes accumulate that we don’t know what to do with… They’re just there just in case! We keep jeans in case we lose weight, or in case we are invited, etc.

Isn’t that a waste? We think so! In fact, you can transform a simple men’s shirt into a top or skirt! You can make a cushion with an old cardigan, a little dress with cargo pants and much more!

A few thoughtful cuts, a couple of seams here and there and presto, your garment is no longer what it used to be! So why leave all that potential dormant in your closet? Take your scissors and innovate!

How to transform and recycle a piece of clothing or a dress?

If you have an item of clothing or more precisely a dress that you no longer like to wear, here is a DIY tip that will change everything! And you don’t even have to be good at it!

Take your garment, fabric scissors, pins, sewing thread and carefully follow our tutorial to transform your dress!