How to water your orchid so that it is full of flowers, healthy and beautiful

One of the most popular plants to give or decorate any space are orchids thanks to their beauty and elegance, however, they are not an easy species to please, because they require a lot of care that is worth it to enjoy their beautiful flowering, that’s why today you we will tell  how to water your orchid so that it is full of flowers, healthy and beautiful.

Orchids need to get enough light or their leaves will turn dark, so put it somewhere with resolana, next to a window it will be perfect, but if given direct sun rays it will burn. They also need to   be in a pot that doesn’t darken their roots , because they also need to get the sun into them.

They are of tropical origin and live in the branches and trunks of trees, so they are accustomed to high humidity , however, it is important to prevent their roots from flooding and make sure that they receive many hours of light.

Its flowers can last up to three months, which is a long time, but they need abundant and spaced watering with a little mineral water and excellent drainage, in fact nurseries recommend watering   orchids three to 4 times a week , but as long as they have a excellent drainage and it is possible that during the hot months they need even more water.

How to water your orchid so that it is full of flowers

How to water your orchid so that it is full of flowers, healthy and beautiful

You will need:

  • Ice
  • Waterfall
  • Bicarbonate

Step by step:

  1. Water your orchid with three ice cubes once a week, if it is a small orchid use only two cubes
  2. Dissolve a teaspoon of baking soda in a liter of water, do not exceed the quantity
  3. Water your orchids with this solution only once or twice a month
  4. Baking soda acts as a natural treatment for some diseases in plants, but in orchids it is also used as a fertilizer and to encourage their flowering.