If your basil has flowers on the tips, don’t throw them away: they’re worth their weight in gold when used like this

If you have a basil plant and it has flowers, don’t throw it away because you can use it in different ways. We’ll show you everything below. 

Basil flowers

Basil is one of the most popular and commonly used aromatic herbs  . Its scent and taste are truly unique and almost everyone loves it. It completes many dishes and gives them that special touch that cannot be missed. Precisely because of its great use, people often choose to plant it near the house.

Whether you have a vegetable garden or a simple balcony, just set up a pot and start growing. This way you always have it at hand and don’t have to ask your greengrocer for it. It always stays fresh and care is really easy. All you need is a few small precautions and you’re done.

Basil plant with flowers

But what you don’t know is that  you shouldn’t throw away basil flowers  . In fact, these are also edible and you can recognize them because they resemble corn on the cob, only slightly smaller and thinner. They grow and are usually cut and thrown away. Now we’ll show you why you definitely shouldn’t throw them away.

Do not throw away basil flowers

As we just said,  basil has spikelets on each stem on which the small white flowers are located  . These are usually cut off when they only reach a few centimeters. In fact, cutting allows the stem to grow, thereby producing more basil leaves.

However, you can grow some of these spikelets to a maximum size of 10/15 centimeters for use in the kitchen and beyond. When they reach this length, you can continue cutting. Be careful, however, as  this means they are not eaten like the leaves, but must be dried first  .

Basil spikelets

The spikelets are therefore edible, but must first be dried. Once they have reached a reasonable length, you can  detach them from the basil plant, which is still growing, and place them in the sun for several hours  . Make sure there is no wind, otherwise the spikelets will fly away.

Once dry, it takes about 48 hours. You can use them in different ways. However, we recommend that you  put the obtained herb in a jar with a lid  so that it retains its aroma. But let’s see how to use them in a very simple way below.

Basil vinegar: Here’s how

With the dried spikelets you can make a  basil flavored vinegar  by simply pouring the dried spikelets into the bottle. Let everything steep for about 7 days and then filter the mixture. Here you can easily get basil vinegar without having to go to the supermarket.

Dried basil spikes

Create a floor plan

With the basil spikes it is also possible to propagate the basil and  grow a new plant. In this case, it is recommended to dry the spikelets directly on the plant. Once ready, rub them on soft, sandy soil. These must always be moist and exposed to the sun.

If you do this operation in spring or summer, the result is guaranteed. After a few weeks you will see the first leaves  and gradually the plant will begin to grow. These are just a few ways to use basil differently and you must at least try them.