Jade Tree, the worst awaits for October: terrible forecasts

Among the most common and loved succulents to keep at home for a decorative and ornamental function, the jade tree can be ranked among the top. Not only is it a succulent plant but it is also an evergreen . By succulent plant we mean all those plants that have the ability to store a large quantity of water thanks to the presence of tissues called aquifer parenchyma , which retain the water and keep the drainage state of the plant in balance. While evergreen refers to those plants whose leaves change very slowly, thus making the plant always lush and resistant.

In this sense, possessing both of these characteristics allows the jade tree to be particularly chosen. Its vivid green leaves tend to always appear at their maximum potential, giving it a brilliant beauty, but also because the care of succulents can also be entrusted to those who do not have a particularly developed green thumb. Their cultivation and care is not complex, but the jade tree requires particular cultivation and specific attention which can make one fear the worst especially in the autumn months, such as October. Let’s see what it is below.

The characteristics of the Jade Tree: how to maintain it

jade tree red autumn leaves
White flowers and shaded colours: the month of October for the jade tree (Canva) – Orizzontenergia.it

Also known by the scientific name of Crassula Ovata, the jade tree has its origins in southern Africa. Like most succulents, it is used to an arid and dry climate, which is why it is also known as a succulent plant , capable of accumulating abundant water. This allows the jade tree to be left in a closed place in your home with moderate sun exposure, just as its watering can be done more frequently.But both factors depend on both the season of the year and its weather. Particularly regarding the frequency of watering the jade tree, usually in autumn and winter it can happen even once every two weeks. While in summer, especially when temperatures are particularly high, it is necessary to check the drainage status of the soil and make sure that it is not too dry; in this case it is enough to water the jade tree even once a week.

Although its ability to retain a large quantity of water allows the jade tree to be watered sparingly, it is also true that it is necessary to ensure that the soil is dry between one watering and another to avoid stagnation or its roots may rot. In this sense, extreme water fluctuations can cause more risks than benefits. The same thing concerns, in fact, its exposure to the sun.It is possible to keep the jade tree inside your home, but throughout the year it can be subjected to different temperatures which require specific interventions. If in winter its temperatures should not fall below 5-7 degrees, even in summer it is good to be careful not to expose the plant to temperatures above 25 degrees. Thermal balance allows the jade tree not to suffer shocks and not run into any danger.

This is particularly evident in the autumn periods, when the jade tree begins to flower. Although it may be rare, in reality the jade tree blooms its flowers at relatively low temperatures, which can be around 12 to a maximum of 15 degrees. The ideal time of the year in this sense is precisely the month of October, in which the flowering of the jade tree is at its full potential. To allow the jade tree to flourish in the best possible conditions, exposure to sunlight must be constant in order to support the plant and make it grow vigorously. To ensure that the light performs its function correctly,it is advisable to position the jade tree towards the morning sun for at least six hours and then leave it positioned again in the sun towards the afternoon, when the sun’s rays are lower and less intense. But October also brings with it some not entirely rosy forecasts for the jade tree.

How to grow the Jade Tree in October: what to do

The small, white flowers that appear once a year on the jade tree aren’t actually the only pearl of beauty this plant offers. Particularly in October, the autumn colors penetrate the leaves of the plant with shades of various shades: from red to orange passing through brownish and sometimes even purple, the green leaves take on color variations that make the jade tree even more particular. Their explosion of color allows you to make the environment more alive and accentuate its decorative aspect. Furthermore, according to Chinese tradition, flowering is synonymous with prosperity and luck.Therefore, having a jade tree at home is also a good omen, but for it to be truly so it must be cared for with great dedication. In fact, although autumn is famous for its mild temperatures, it is also true that it is characterized by its humid climate . Humidity can sometimes be the enemy of plants, as too wet soil can cause risks in terms of accumulations of water on the soil or excessive drainage. The roots of the jade tree, as well as its soil, must be constantly maintained in water balance especially if it is in full bloom.

Keeping alive the beauty of the flowers and leaves splashed with autumn colors is important, but what is really fundamental is allowing the flowers to bloom under constant monitoring which concerns not only the balancing of the quantity of water but also its pruning . Any damaged, or even dead, branches can hinder the growth of the jade tree at this time of year. Likewise, the fertilization process is important, i.e. the nutrition of the plant through specific fertilizers containing nutrients such as phosphorus and potassium, which especially in the month of October allows the jade tree to fortify itself for flowering and the change in color of the plants. leaves without causing damage.But what really makes the difference is the humidity.

Usually the jade tree is a succulent plant that does not risk particular problems when subjected to high humidity, but rather often welcomes it with pleasure. The problem, however, is being able to balance flowering, sun exposure, correct drainage and humidity in particularly intense periods due to the water vapor present in the air, such as October. If the external humidity is particularly high, as much as the jade tree appreciates humidity, it can instead cause too much hydration. Soft leaves, dull colors, leaf drop but also roots that are too dark or mushy can be the first sign that the jade tree is over-watered. The worst can only be escaped if, testing the waters, thisit keeps moist and not too wet. Therefore, to maintain a constant humidity level at this time of year the secret is to water it very carefully and after careful observation of water levels and sun exposure.