LED bulbs, how much you save | The figures

n times of energy crisis, being able to save has become of vital importance for many Italian families. In fact, bill costs are now skyrocketing due to the price of electricity and gas, which has now become unsustainable.

In order to save on electricity it is therefore necessary to implement a series of strategies even in your own small way, within the walls of your home.

For example, very often energy is consumed without even knowing it, as in the case in which you have light bulbs that are a little too old, perhaps still incandescent.

A good solution is the use of LED bulbs which allow significant savings on the bill. But how much do they allow us to save specifically? The figures are mind-boggling.

How much do LED bulbs save us?

saving LED light bulbs
Incandescent light bulb – Pexels – Orizzontenergia.it

It is now a fact that LED bulbs save money compared to incandescent bulbs, but not everyone knows how much this type of bulb actually saves money.

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LEDs, in fact, do not require the heating of a tungsten wire or a gas – as with neon lamps – a factor which allows us to avoid losing significant electrical energy in the form of heat.

LED lamps exploit the semiconductor operation of diodes , and by emitting photons they produce light in a totally sustainable way.

But let’s talk about numbers. LED bulbs certainly cost more than old incandescent bulbs, which are no longer on the market due to their environmental pollution.

An LED bulb has an average cost of 10 euros, but the initial cost is offset by the savings in using this technology.

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In fact, LEDs have an energy requirement of around 3 watts , thus allowing savings of around 80% compared to halogen lamps. In economic terms we could say that an LED bulb consumes approximately 0.0048 euros per hour, compared to 0.01728 euros per hour for halogen bulbs and 0.024 for incandescent lamps.