A truly special paper: less waste and trees used, how it comes to life

Reduce waste, put waste back into circulation and fully implement the principles of the circular economy. This is one of the very virtuous projects that have been born in recent times that lend a hand to the protection of nature and in particular trees . Many fewer are cut down, thus avoiding the loss of biodiversity and oxygen and less waste is also created.

This is a very interesting project that promises to revolutionize the paper sector. Thanks to the use of waste, in fact, it is possible to have cellulose to obtain very high quality paper . Where and how does all this come from? We tell you about the virtuous project which implements a new production process.

Paper produced from waste, a delicious and sustainable process

Cocoa paper recycling favini
Paper derived from cocoa (Instagram) – Orizzonteenergia.it

A paper with high quality cellulose produced from cocoa waste. This is the Crush paper that comes from the peel of the cocoa bean proposed by the Favini company, a leader in paper production and a brand that has always been attentive to sustainability. Precisely for this reason it has recently launched an alternative proposal that arises from the roasting phase, passing through the subsequent phase of shelling the cocoa beans in which the skin that surrounds them is separated and discarded.

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With Crush Cocoa the peels are no longer processing waste but become raw material for the production of paper. This production can replace approximately 15 % of the virgin cellulose that is extracted from the trees, thus significantly reducing felling which is one of the true plagues of forests. From gluttony, therefore, a sustainable and recycling process is born which allows the production of cocoa itself to have less impact on the environment.

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Just think about how 100 billion dollars are spent on chocolate products every year. And if all production waste is reused it really makes a difference. The idea of ​​recycling cocoa bean shells is not new. They are in fact used to produce electricity in biomass plants or as a basis for the creation of fertilizing compost. They had never been used before for the formation of paper and Favini really promises great things.