Valentine’s Day, think of it as sustainable: unmissable tips for being green and in love

It’s very close to Valentine’s Day, the famous holiday that celebrates the precious gift of love and lovers. Valentine’s Day as a celebration of love has very ancient origins , tradition dictates that on this day, lovers exchange gifts of love. The symbol of this holiday , obviously, are hearts.

Nowadays, it is really difficult to choose a gift: all in all, there are no longer, as there once were , things that we ardently desire , also because we usually buy them as soon as the desire arises. However, for this very special day , more than a purchased gift, an object like many others, a nice gesture would be to create something that is truly unique for the person we love.

Eco-sustainable Valentine’s Day: it is possible

Valentine's Day: the greenest ideas
Candles – heart – Pixabay –

Choosing to make a gift, using your creativity and ingenuity, gives that object an inestimable value, as well as being a gesture of love for our ecosystem . We probably pay little attention to what this holiday represents in terms of consumption and pollution . Think about how much waste could be avoided : paper, plastic, bows and other things like that.

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We can, therefore, choose to make this day unique without neglecting the environmental impact . As? Let’s find out right away. There are so many ideas for a Valentine’s Day dedicated to sustainability, all very valid . Let’s find out some of them right away. Don’t worry that you’re running out of money: these are truly fantastic last minute  solutions !

First of all, for a sustainable Valentine’s Day , we can give you 5 really useful tips: choose a romantic dinner , but one that includes 0km food ; Avoid giving flowers and chocolates; use recycled paper for packages ; Consider the idea of ​​a gift made by you, completely by hand : if you don’t have any ideas, give unforgettable experiences and memories .

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To make everything even more sustainable , choose to eliminate the use of the car , preferring public transport, or walks , which are, without a doubt, very romantic. In this regard, a dinner at home is also recommended , perhaps by candlelight . This option is also equally romantic and certainly eco-sustainable. In short, there are so many options for a green Valentine’s Day!