Legnano, a trial is underway to try to restore the forests

The problems relating to global warming, CO2 emissions and deforestation taking place on our planet involve all countries. Strategies and policies are moving towards the implementation of environmental recovery projects and plans to also combat climate change.

In particular, the rate of forest loss in the world is alarming and deforestation, with the destruction of forests to allocate land for other uses and for the timber trade, is a global problem. Climate change is actually both a cause and a consequence of deforestation and degradation . Extreme events such as fires, droughts and floods hit the very lungs of the planet, triggering the loss of trees, damage and consequences for the climate.

Let’s reforest to save the Planet

reforestation areas Legnano experimental forest
Area riforestazione-Facebook-OrizzontEnergia.it

Europe and the SUPERB project to intervene with the restoration of forests to defend biodiversity and ecosystem services. In four years, 36 European bodies gathered, in collaboration with universities, research institutes, government agencies and associations, intend to replant entire areas with native species.

In Italy the experiment starts from Legnano and includes three thousand six hundred new plants to be inserted on an agricultural land of 3 hectares. The ambitious SUPERB project involves the implementation of solutions aimed at restoring forests in specific regions located in 13 European countries. 12 macro-areas have been identified across Europe, including our Po Valley, where 10 hectares of woods can be planted.

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The project will concern urban and peri-urban areas, researching the best techniques for creating and then managing new tree plantations . Yes, because it will not be enough to plant the trees, but the subsequent care necessary for their maintenance and growth will be fundamental. Parco Nord Milano, University of Milan and University of Molise are the subjects involved in the management of the project and its implementation.

First of all, the identification of the most suitable land for the plantation program with the contribution of Forestami, the project promoted by the city of Milan and all the bodies involved. The plan involves planting 3 million trees by 2030 . And the first experimental forest will be planted in Legnano in the area identified between the Park Cemetery and the SP 12.

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Also of strategic importance is the choice of plants to be included in the area which must be native, certified and with a phytosanitary passport. Among these are maples, oaks, ash trees, pear trees and plane trees and shrubs including dogwoods, privets, brooms and hawthorns. The division into twelve “plots” of 1,500 square meters each involves the planting of the same assortment but with different densities per hectare.

The choice of species is subordinated to the identification of those most suitable to resist climate changes which have put the entire Po Valley ecosystem in difficulty. The experiment therefore also has a scientific value which will provide indications and evaluations aimed at reviewing the forest composition of the area, with the aim of defining new guidelines for the reforestation of Italian and European territories.