Lemon and baking soda, this is what happens if you mix them: together they are worth gold

These two ingredients, lemon and baking soda, can be a true panacea for our health. The important thing will be to follow the instructions of the experts, in order to obtain important benefits from different points of view.

There are many things that are really very important for our   health   . Some of them even guarantee enviable benefits for our body. We are not talking about magic potions and we certainly do not want to replace doctors, who have studied their profession and will surely be able to provide more accurate information on the subject.

 However,  the beneficial power of lemon juice and baking soda has already been demonstrated and their combination is recommended in many diets.  They serve not only to help those who need it lose weight, but also to guarantee numerous beneficial effects for different areas of our body.

We immediately want to   dispel a false myth   about lemon and baking soda. These elements, in fact, do not serve to prevent or cure tumors. Despite the fake news circulating on the Internet, these ingredients do not have this power. So stay away from people who spread these false myths.

In this article we will help you discover   the true benefits of incorporating these two elements   into your daily diet. Your health will benefit in several ways. It will be very important not to exaggerate the doses and follow all instructions. Here you have all the details about it.

Lemon and baking soda are very important ingredients to take: here is the most effective method

What happens when you mix baking soda and lemon juice   ? In practice, the two products react with each other generating   sodium citrate   , an element capable of being very useful against heartburn, but not only that. Let’s discover   all the beneficial effects   of these two ingredients mixed. You won’t believe what your eyes see.

Lemon and baking soda

Baking soda and lemon juice should be mixed and dissolved together in a glass of water   . It becomes essential to respect the dosage that we now indicate. In a glass of water – preferably warm – it will be appropriate to dissolve half a teaspoon of baking soda and about 2 or 3 teaspoons of lemon juice.

This mixture has a very high  detoxifying and anti-inflammatory power   . In addition, it greatly stimulates digestion. Experts recommend drinking this drink in the morning a few minutes before breakfast. Alternatively, it can be taken after lunch or after a heavy meal.

It promotes digestion and eliminates that feeling of heaviness that often overwhelms us. Furthermore, it is advisable to take short cycles of taking this mixture,   never exceeding 10-15 consecutive days   .

In addition to the slimming effect and promoting digestion,   what are the other benefits of lemon juice and baking soda mixed with water   ? Here you will find everything you need to know.

The beneficial effects for your health: here are the incredible properties of these two elements

Both ingredients in question stimulate the metabolism – so you can lose weight more quickly and effectively – and the feeling of acidity after each meal. However, as we have mentioned, these are not the only   beneficial properties of baking soda and lemon juice   . Here are the others.

Lemon and baking soda mixed

Sodium citrate, obtained from the union of both products, guarantees   the well-being of our kidneys   . As with digestion, in this case it will also be advisable to drink hot water containing baking soda and lemon juice immediately after the main meal.

The   antioxidant principles   present in this solution reduce the acidic pH, thus avoiding many urinary problems. Kidney health will benefit and the risk of urinary tract infections will be reduced.

Another beneficial effect of ingesting these two elements dissolved in warm water concerns the   liver   . This very important organ of our body will benefit greatly after taking our mixture. Still, the reduction of acidic pH and the antioxidant power of the drink will play an important role.

For liver health, the advice of experts is to drink this drink early in the morning on an empty stomach, just before eating breakfast to start the day in the best possible way.

Lemon juice and baking soda, mixed with water, represent   a natural method to improve different “sectors” of our body   . Without exaggerating with consumption, these are ingredients that can really be a true panacea.