Little girl throws her dad’s cell phone into the sea, the reason makes everyone think

The gesture of a little girl who throws her father’s cell phone into the sea to get noticed

Alittle girl managed to give her dad a great lesson. Too often parents complain about how noisy their little ones are, how they throw tantrums, how they assert their ideas in a very overbearing way. For parents, these are very unnerving behaviors that cause them to lose patience. But unfortunately too often we fail to understand that while we adults have the means to express our feelings, children experience immense discomfort, they do not know how to express their emotions, they do not recognize them and they experience them much more intensely. So on the beach we witness a little girl throwing her dad’s cell phone into the sea .

The viral video

A video that has gone viral has been circulating online for some time now , of a little girl trying to attract the attention of her dad who continues to keep his eyes on his cell phone and not listening to her. Here the insistent and exhausted little girl because she herself couldn’t make the adult listen to her, ends up taking the man’s cell phone and throwing it into the sea. A dramatic gesture, just like the tantrums that little ones often throw, to get noticed by increasingly distracted adults. The little girl is driven to this gesture by the true desperation that can be seen in her face.

A gesture that makes you think

A video published not only to go viral, but to push all parents to reflect. There are quite a few mothers and fathers who are completely absorbed by their cell phones and everything they have to do, who just don’t realize their little ones require attention. This little girl is a good example of this.

A gesture that reminds us that perhaps it’s time to look up from our devices and look around, paying attention to the world around us and to our attention-seeking children.