Mix them, 10 minutes later: the secret of grandparents

In this article we will show you our grandparents’ secret to effectively clean different rooms in our house. Do you want to know what ingredients you will need to mix? Here you have all the details about it.

Cleaning   the house   is a fundamental aspect to live in always comfortable and perfectly sanitized environments. Cleaning the bathroom, kitchen and floors will need to be done regularly, as   dirt and dust will accumulate extremely quickly and easily   .

Therefore, any   ordinary cleaning   must be carried out daily or, in any case, very frequently, also depending on the actual use that will be given to the different elements present and the time they remain in the domestic environment. Other types of cleaning, however, will be more “   extraordinary   ” and may be performed less consistently.

We are referring, for example, to the   cleaning of tile and floor joints   ,   window frames   and many other similar aspects. But from time to time, these items will also need to be cleaned, as dirt and dust will also accumulate in these areas.

In this article we will let you discover a true   secret of our grandparents   . By mixing certain ingredients, you will create   powerful mixtures capable of better disinfecting the different surfaces in your home   , including the most “inaccessible” areas.  What ingredients will you need   ? Let’s know all the details of this extraordinary trick.

The secret that our grandparents used to clean the house as best as possible

It takes a lot of time and perseverance to have a home that is always clean, fragrant and welcoming. However, this is an absolutely important aspect, as it will allow you to always live in a   clean environment   . Therefore, cleaning should never be underestimated, not only for a purely aesthetic aspect, but also to avoid problems for the inhabitants of the house who are allergic to dust and other impurities.

The secret to effective cleaning

Cleaning the house requires not only time and willpower, but also the right products. Therefore, in supermarkets or specialized stores it will be possible to buy detergents and other disinfectant products. They will allow you to better remove dirt and bacteria from all surfaces.

However, in this article we want to help you discover how to create a   really effective homemade solution  to remove dirt not only from the easiest surfaces to clean, but also from the most difficult areas. It is a   secret that our grandparents used   in the past, but it will also be very useful in the future. Here you will find everything you need to know.

The ingredients you will need to use: all the details about the procedure to be carried out

To put your grandparents’ secret into practice, you will surely need to get some ingredients. In this paragraph we show you   what you will need to use and all the steps to follow scrupulously   . Are you ready? Make yourself comfortable and discover the right sanitizing solution to always have a clean, fragrant and shiny home.

Ingredients to mix

You will need to take a container and put two teaspoons of fabric softener   and   two teaspoons of   white vinegar in it   . At this point, pour a glass of   water   and add a teaspoon of   baking soda   . Then, with a teaspoon or ladle, mix all the ingredients.

After introducing and mixing the different ingredients, a specific mixture will have been formed. It should be placed in a   container with a spray bottle   . You can spray the mixture on the various surfaces to be cleaned, including sanitary fixtures, floor joints, and tile joints. You will also use a sponge and then rinse everything with water. You will notice how   the different dirty areas will be shiny and perfectly disinfected again   .

Another technique is to   mix fabric softener with dish soap   . By combining both products with water   and   70  % alcohol   and placing the resulting mixture in another sprayer, you will obtain a truly valuable solution for removing dirt, dust and scratches even in the most difficult areas, such as window frames, tile joints. . and more.

We show you some   simple ingredients that you can mix together for a   truly amazing natural remedy to better disinfect different areas of your home.