Mold will disappear from your home thanks to an old trick from grandmothers

Unfortunately, the fungal plague is commonplace in wet weather. These molds, which spread through the release of spores, are the nightmare of many households. Often found in damp rooms such as bathrooms, kitchens or window sills, they can also be more insidious, for example by hiding under a carpet. With two tips from grandmothers you can get rid of it permanently. We share our tips with you.

Mold is a source of indoor pollution and damages your interior, but also your health, causing irritation to the eyes and respiratory tract. In addition to aesthetic considerations, the consequences for hygiene and health must also be taken into account. Don’t wait any longer and attack these molds that are ruining your life with two ingredients at your fingertips. It’s about knowing how to use them. We’ll explain it to you.

Mold on the windowsill

Mold on the windowsill. Source: spm 

Why does mold affect certain places in the house?

Whether old or new, first of all, know that no home is immune to the appearance of mold stains. Certain conditions favor their development… Humidity is the main cause of this inconvenience. It is therefore important to find the source, treat it and prevent it. You should also know that the moisture problem is due to poor ventilation of the house, rainwater intrusion, water damage, a water leak or even poor sealing of the shower and  of the walls may be due to .

What preventive measures to avoid mold at home?

Since the goal is to reduce the humidity in the apartment, preventive measures must therefore be taken. Certain reflexes must be adopted daily. Fighting this scourge is no easy task, and taking the right steps would be your ultimate weapon.

  • Airing the house is essential to purify the air in the house, even if you don’t have a humidity problem at home. 45 minutes is enough to allow air to circulate and prevent mold. You can also use mechanical ventilation if ventilation is insufficient.
  • Avoid hanging clothes in the house as this will worsen the moisture problem.
  • Treat the cracks on the walls and, if necessary, carry out insulation work to avoid the problem of mold, especially in winter.
Avoid hanging laundry in the house.

Avoid hanging laundry in the house. Source: spm

How do you get rid of mold?

You have tried many conventional products and are not satisfied! They are expensive, toxic and the result is not there. Regardless, you can suppress the spread of mold with simple, easy-to-use treatments.

  • Borax and vinegar, a winning combination for fighting mold

Mix in a spray bottle:

  • 2 tablespoons borax
  • ¼ cup white vinegar
  • 2 cups hot water

Apply the mixture to areas at risk of mold and leave to act for 60 minutes. Rub with a sponge, then rinse and dry with a clean cloth.

  • Baking soda, soapy water and goodbye to mold

Prepare a paste of baking soda by mixing a cup of this powder with a little water and then apply it to the mold affected areas. Leave for an hour and then scrub with a stiff-bristled brush. Then follow with a soap solution to complete the cleaning. Then rinse off the cleaning by spraying vinegar water to permanently eliminate mold and black spots. Wipe with a clean, dry cloth and allow to dry by ventilating the room. Other ingredients such as ethyl alcohol or ammonia can also work against mold.

Attention: Protect yourself with gloves and a mask before attempting this particularly sensitive cleaning to avoid inhaling the harmful spores.